Picking up Chanteclers - 1 "coquelet" & 1 pullet from each of 4 blood lines


They are truly gorgeous birds.

I am still learning what factors one looks at to select a good specimen of the breed.

For Rejean, his priority for pullets is size of the vent he uses four fingers up and two wide to measure (using opposite pelvic bones). He then looks at obvious health and structure to ensure a pleasing lasting bird (he keeps productive birds some six years). Birds that do not produce 200 eggs in their laying period (May through November) are gone. Colour, "pure white" in the case of Chanteclers, is not critical but he likes a long head.

For cockerels he chooses overall large sturdy size with dominance in cage behaviors. His rooster cages have 10-15 challengers.
30 Day Isolation space

Ours have been from Cackle since a nearby breeder stopped raising them, long ago. Maybe luck, or something, but none of the Cackle cockerels have been difficult! Most have had to move on elsewhere, because we don't have a bachelor coop for them.
My avatar is our first 'keeper' Solo, much missed.
This spring we need to add to our flock, and plan to order a few more from Cackle. If a broody turns up at a good time, hope to raise some from our birds too.
I see Strombergs is selling Chanteclers this year as well. I love that people may be taking more of an interest in the breed.
You did great! Beautiful Chanteclers.

I see Strombergs is selling Chanteclers this year as well. I love that people may be taking more of an interest in the breed.

I am mightly pleased with the 5 birds - 3 including the coquelet are upper end of size range, 2 strong medium with good pelvic sizes.

The White Chantecler was developed within 200 km of where I live so a natural interest. A very good match to my climate and preference of traits.

Rejean's husbandry cycle is IMO brilliant. He hatches late May/early June to mature in December and produce eggs through the winter while general flocks takes ~5 months off.
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Is this checked when they are in laying status?


Rejean first suggested (fall 2021 ) November 22 for pickup but when pressed it became "end of November/December" then slipped to January 2nd. When I asked why his response was "maturity" to make a better choice; I was more focused on the coquelet than pullets during that discussion.

These birds were hatched early June and the first began laying on December 10th so my timing was the earliest to be able to choose potentially good pullets. Interestingly, some medium sized pullets had a pelvis that met his criteria although family group also mattered to me and size choice varied between groups.
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