Picking up Chanteclers - 1 "coquelet" & 1 pullet from each of 4 blood lines

It would be so wonderful to discuss with an expert like that. I imagine you just learned lots and had a wonderful trip.

They are truly beautiful birds.

Mrs K

A godsend at a point when I was ready, able to take it in; still processing.

Rejean gave up heritage turkeys (200 last year) to "be able to do what he wants with his Chanteclers". He has variable sized spaces divided for: males; then 4 female family groupings. Provides managed breeding and storage for 200; multiple cages for all sub groups, 15-20 in total.

He has no pretensions, gives knowledge as he lives and breaths if one is smart/experienced enough to ask.

Example: Before I thought of egg production on a daily basis and was disappointed when that was broken. Now I think of it as a yearly cycle in which 200+ eggs are produced. Hence 6 month old birds needed each December.
Nice looking birds. I'll look for photos of them in the spring when they fill out. In case you didn't see there is a Chantecler Thread- https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chantecler-thread.243277/page-221

Eggs are important but don't forget these birds need to be broad backed the entire length too. You've got a great start. May have to sell off the rest of your flock to make room for all the hatchlings.
Dust Bath

The Chants came home with both mites and lice. I have added a sand & sulphur dust bath guessing 7:1 ratio for both pest elimination and amusement.

I will shortly heat the garage for 24 hours and spray permethrin on 5 birds & bedding.

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I would think a 'serious' breeder would be more concerned.

My other small breeder experience (captured in a post herein) was with a person who produced a Show 1st at an annual APA sanctioned event; the poor cockerel I got was caked with lice sac remnants that I had to cut off.

In neither case was I prepared to walk away empty handed.

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