Pip! Pip! Hurray! (Update: NEED HELP!)

Oh my goodness....we have another pip! This one isn't completely through the shell, but you can see the little crack starting.

I think I'm going to explode with anticipation!! It's 4am here, and I haven't been to bed, yet--not sure I will sleep if I do. I guess I should go try to catch a few zzz's so I don't crash in the middle of hatches tomorrow.
.....well, I guess that would actually be today.
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go to bed! the chicks aren't going anywhere! they'll be fine. i know it's hard and exciting but have a cup of hot chamomile tea, read a good book. check in the morning. it takes some chicks up to 2 days to hatch.

AND HOW EXCITING! when i was little (age 4-6) i would sit up at the incubator and read books to the little hatchlings LOL!

*edited for spelling
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thats cool katty. in my minds eye i could just see a little girl doing that. i got a boy over here that loves animals so much i bet he would try something like that.
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On day 18 when I take mine out of the turner I place them in egg cartons to. I don't have any problems with this method. One question for you though "Are you addicted and a hatch-a-holic like the rest of us?"
I know, I know. It's just so exciting. I slept 'till 9:30 and checked again. Still only a little progress, but actually heard some chick peeps this morning!! I think I'm going to go lie back down for a couple hours and will update again soon!

Okay, good--that's what I thought most everyone did when using the egg cartons...surely, I didn't miss something that big....???

And, yes, yes, yes....I am a chicken addict.

I already have lined up to meet a local chicken friend tomorrow morning to get some more hatching eggs! I will be getting at least a dozen BC Marans and 6 buff Orpingtons which I hope to set on Tues afternoon or Wed--pending on how long it takes these little fuzzy butts to make their appearance.

I'm a picture-taking-freak, so I will definitely post pics as soon as there is something to post. Thanks for the words of encouragement!!
One chickie out, first pip still the same, another pip started.

I think I might have a problem!! I noticed my temp is rising. Up to 102-103--What do I do?!?!

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