Plastic particles in the food we eat (in Europe) - first research.


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 19, 2015
the Netherlands
My Coop
My Coop
There are plastic particles in the meat and milk we buy in the supermarket. The Netherlands exports a lot of milk and meat all over Europe and even further. So it’s very well possible you eat or drink it too.


The plastic comes from the feed industry who throw in unsold products from the supermarkets.

I wonder. Is this only possible in the feed factories in the Netherlands or is this how the feed industry works all over the world?

They didn’t investigate chickens or chicken feed. Only cows, pigs. And feed for goats and sheep. But there is no reason to believe that chicken feed isn’t contaminated too.
That's horrible!
This is what I’ve been reading inna quality newspaper (NRC translated with google).

The toxicology of particles works differently than we are used to, says Halden, because it is not so much about the substance from which the particle is made, but about its size and shape. He refers to asbestos: microscopic asbestos needles can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause asbestosis and lung cancer years later. “It doesn't matter whether a fiber is made of asbestos,” says Halden, “what matters is that it is a certain size and has sharp points. As a result, it ends up in the lung membrane and can cause chronic inflammation that eventually leads to cancer. Translated to plastic, we are really concerned about that. Again, it doesn't really matter what kind of plastic it is, if the particles have sharp edges and build up somewhere in the body, it will also cause inflammation that can eventually lead to cancer."
this is the final para from the page on it in the UK Guardian yesterday:

Maria Westerbos at the Plastic Soup Foundation, which commissioned the research, said: “With microplastics present in livestock feed, it is not surprising that a clear majority of the meat and dairy products tested contained microplastics. We urgently need to rid the world of plastic in animal feed to protect the health of livestock and humans.”
There are plastic particles in the meat and milk we buy in the supermarket. The Netherlands exports a lot of milk and meat all over Europe and even further. So it’s very well possible you eat or drink it too.


The plastic comes from the feed industry who throw in unsold products from the supermarkets.

I wonder. Is this only possible in the feed factories in the Netherlands or is this how the feed industry works all over the world?

They didn’t investigate chickens or chicken feed. Only cows, pigs. And feed for goats and sheep. But there is no reason to believe that chicken feed isn’t contaminated too.
No it isn't just the Netherlands. This is a Guardian report from 3 years ago

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