Please help, I am at a loss

How is your hen doing today? Is she drinking and eating, and getting enough of the antibiotic water? Chicken sling chairs for periods can be helpful to get them upright and in front of food and water. You can also try propping her with rolled towels close to them. Here in post 5, 11-14 are good examples of chicken slings:
How is your hen doing today? Is she drinking and eating, and getting enough of the antibiotic water? Chicken sling chairs for periods can be helpful to get them upright and in front of food and water. You can also try propping her with rolled towels close to them. Here in post 5, 11-14 are good examples of chicken slings:
Around 5 hours after she laid her egg, she was completely back to normal. The first few poops had a lot of liquid-y urates then it was completely normal poos. She was standing, walking around, and talking to me like she normally does. I let her back with her flockmates and she is acting completely normal.
Thank you both so much for the help. I am going to continue to monitor her and I will try to update in a few days. :)

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