Please help me identify this little beauty

They breed Indian Game Cross - possibly that crossed with another, stripy breed?
I was wondering about Indian Game (also called Cornish).

Purebred or mixed, there is at least a chance of stripey chicks from them.

We bought fertilised eggs from a breeder. They had so many breeds that I can't remember all of them!
What country are you in?
I was curious because sometimes different breeds are common in different countries.

Also, Dark Cornish chickens in the USA often have stripey chicks
Example chick pictures at one hatchery:

But I've read that Dark Cornish (also called Indian Game) often have pale chicks with no stripes in Australia, while growing up to have the same adult color. I didn't want to say "it must be..." based on chick color, when I know at least that breed can vary! Unfortunately I don't know which is more common in the UK where you are, so that idea isn't as helpful as I had hoped it would be.

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