poop trays

Here's a screenshot from a video I made. My poop boards are above the nest boxes and filled with PDZ. Easy peasy to clean.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 8.37.44 AM.png
OK I may combine some of the ideas here. I like the nesting boxes under the roosts and I will need to use a poop tray of design"X" to keep the top of the boxes clean. This saves valuable space for me and makes it less likely for them to roost on the boxes. I may actually make more boxes otherwise it will just be wasted space. It also frees up space for feeders and water. The person I'm buying my pullets from just asked whether I would be interested in the last 2 cochins. I said yes so they don't become supper. Didn't really want them but.......
We have been using poop trays since we built/modified what we use as our coop. PDZ is what we use as well. My wife saw a video recently where someone took feed bags, cut split them and laid them on the trays. Every couple days, they would remove them, lay down new ones and then spray the dirty ones with a hose on a fence and hang them to dry to be used again later. Good way to use all of those feed bags IMHO!!
Got about a hundred ish hens/gamebirds, I use a few inches of sand as a base layer, them a mix of compost and medium pine chips about 5 inches or so and let it rotate itself as needed. I haven't had to change the sand layer at all and so far the chip/mulch layer has held up this winter as well. The real test will be getting into spring summer.
Someone recommended poop trays under the roosts. Sounds like a good idea. I was thinking commercial baking pans. Found a good deal but they are an hour away where I almost never go. What ideas do you guys have. I can make metal ones but not sure how large of sheets I have.
I use an old dog crate tray. In a world where plastic is everywhere, I'm sure you can find something in a dumpster to slide under your roosts.
I saw another post today where someone splits open feed bags and uses them on the poop boards. Pull them out when it's time, dump them, wash them off, dry them, and reuse.

If we get stuck with plastic, at least find a new use for it!
Someone recommended poop trays under the roosts. Sounds like a good idea. I was thinking commercial baking pans. Found a good deal but they are an hour away where I almost never go. What ideas do you guys have. I can make metal ones but not sure how large of sheets I have.
You can use your Amazon cartons and just fold them up and put them in your recycling

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