Post pics of your Nesting boxes

That bucket is the most Hilarious picture!!

Thank you all for the great ideas. Mine will be going on an empty wall, inside the coop. I REALLY like yours, henney penny & chick a dee. I think they would fit best in the space i have to use.

Did you guys frame them or use glue? I have made boxes in the past(for other people) but it ends up that the framing is showing in weird spots and i hate it, lol.

My mothers friend made me an open triangle nesting thing last year out of 2x4's with glue and nails, it was REALLY heavy though.

Thank you everyone for the pics!
Mine are made from 1" by 16" solid pine shelving from a local mill lol.. I drilled pilot holes and screwed them together, the front lip is a 1x6 I had lying around, and the dividers were made by screwing 2x2 scraps top and bottom, sliding in a piece of 1/4" plywood and screwing it into the 2x2..

I put up a ledger rail of 2x4, sat my nestboxes ontop of it, and screwed it in from the inside of the boxes into the 2x4 and put up little L brackets to keep it on at the top.

I actually really love mine, and I'm going to be making a couple more for my new coop.
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Did anyone notice the cat in the first picture?!? Sorry, I'm ADD. Lovely pictures everybody. These are some really nice nice nesting boxes.
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I don't have a pic of my nesting box but...I had an old covered litter box my cat wasn't using. It is this style:

When I was feeding the horses, I "borrowed" a flake of hay, and put that in the base, then put the dome lid back on. Set that in a sheltered area of the yard (my girls don't have a run, but free-range the entire backyard). DH expressed some concern that it was too small and the girls wouldn't be able to fit into it. But, within 2 days the first egg was laid in the box. As for being too small? I've seen three of them crammed in there at once! Two were sitting side by side facing the front, and the third was sitting between them facing the rear. I had been a little concerned that the hay would be eaten instead of laid in, but they have shown little interest in eating it, and in the two months or so that they've been using it, a nice little nest has been created in the hay. It now extends up the sides past the "seam", and little feathers have been left in the box, so it is a nice, cozy little nest. My three younger pullets all laid their very first egg in it, so they clearly understood its purpose from the beginning.
.. I noticed the cat!!!.. wonder what color eggs she lays!

Question.. in one of the pics someone has something hanging in the coop .. like a suet feeder.. what is that?

and one other question...

How the heck are some of these coops so darn clean.. I mean mine is clean but still has chicken poo in spots!.. some of these pics look immaculate!! I don't understand!
I suspect most of those were the photos taken right after the coop was finished being built but before the chickens had been moved into it
I was wondering the same thing about the clean coops. I don't have a pic, but I have one nesting box, it is 4 little boards nailed together, probably a 10x10 size and on the bottom I stapled chicken wire, so I can EASILY pick it up and the wood shavings/poo falls out. Does anyone else get poo in their boxes? I don't have a lot, but I get it enough, that my eggs are sometimes poopy looking!

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