Post your new 2010 Turkeys

I am have a nice hatch this morning. Its hard to count but I thing about 25 and many still hatching.

Here are the kids at two weeks old. I had a roost in there at one week, but they had no interest. I put a new one in tonight and it's a big hit. Everyone has to have a turn. I made it nice and wide(at least for now) and they like it. It took a very short time for the first one to get up on there, but after that everybody is having a great time. After that everyone took a little nap since having something new in the brooder was very stressful it seems. The one looking at the camera is a mental giant compared to there other two. Looked the roost up and down, left and right and jumped right there. When one of the dogs startled them a little while later all three jumped up on the roost. I like that, it will make things easier later on, unless I'm trying to corral them...



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Here are a few more pics I took tonight of Einstein. He is not camera shy at all. Pretty funny really.

Hey you!, you lookin at me??, I don't see anyone else here so you must be lookin at me!




Just chillin

Hi everybody,
I'm new here. I live in Ontario, Canada and we have Narrangenset Turkeys, one Welsummer chicken, and some Americaunas - all are completely illegal where I live so don't tell anyone. Here are a couple of picture of the new poults - they are about 3 weeks old. I don't think there is anything cuter than a mama turkey and her babies - well, maybe there are a few things that come close:)

Isn't it funny how the mama will give the baby/babies a piggy (?) back ride?
Meet Kramer - the only one of my BRs to hatch on April 20th. We're in serious like. I've ordered him some companions but they are a few months away. He is currently courting my barnevelder roo he was hatched with. It's very funny. He is just now big enough to "take care" of any chicken that pecks his little bald head or threatens his chicks. I am continually amazed at how fast he grows.

Thank you,Thank you,Thank you!!!!!!!
I tried for an hour and never could figure out what I was doing wrong.If you get a extra minute send me a PM and let know what I was doing wrong.Again,Thanks:)
Below are our very first five turkeys. They came to us at the beginning of March when they were one month from hatching. They had infected spots on their faces from mosquito bites that can be seen in the pic. and were in need of proper feed. Thanks to a great vet. they all survived.

The second pic. is one of them now.

We are currently up to nine adults and seventeen week old chicks.



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