Ok this is kind of embarrassing, it was a deal to good to be true so we got them. The local farm store had these "Bronze" Turkeys on sale really cheap. At 1 week old they seemed to be growing really fast. At 2 1/2 weeks old they seemed like little Godzilla's, just to big for standard Bronze. A quick check of the hatcheries web site that supplies the Farm store, they don't have Standard Bronze just BBW's.
After saying I would never raise any BBW or Great Whites again, well we have them now.
So much for the plan to have midget whites this year.
Typically a double breasted turkey would be ready to butcher at around 20 weeks of age, All others at about 30 weeks. Those time frames are considered to be the best feed cost to weight ratio's. You can butcher sooner or later if you want to. We have butchered a female BBW at around 12 weeks old, in the past and she had about 10 pounds of meat.
As far as how fast, a standard Bronze Tom would be half to 2/3's the size of the one in the picture.
Here are my 6 week old Narragansettes taking a siesta on the fence. They were flying all over the neighborhood so the pen now is covered with mesh. They are too tame and not afraid of anything. One flew over to a neighbor looking for treats and the other neighbor's little dog got another but I got it before any real harm was done.