Predator identification?


12 Years
Feb 14, 2013
A predator keeps killing off my ducks and chickens one by one. First it got my rooster then my hen and now two of my ducks!

I find the birds looking the same way each time I find them! Either with the head and neck missing or their head and neck still there with the neck stripped clean and shoulders and wings eaten up. Any ideas what it could be and how to catch and kill It?


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Probably best to focus on how you can protect your birds from all predators - safe housing for when you're not around and supervision while free-ranging. It's up to us to guard our helpless livestock.
A predator keeps killing off my ducks and chickens one by one. First it got my rooster then my hen and now two of my ducks!

I find the birds looking the same way each time I find them! Either with the head and neck missing or their head and neck still there with the neck stripped clean and shoulders and wings eaten up. Any ideas what it could be and how to catch and kill It?
That's a raccoon. You'll have to have a safe place for them at night, otherwise it will keep returning until all your flock is dead. Complete and tight wire mess 360 degrees around the pen. Also, 1 to 2 feet on the ground laid out to prevent digging into the pen.
While we are talking about racoon, i lost a hen today. No meat left on the bird on either side. Head, legs intact, all guts left. Found a wing nearby. I have never seen an entire bird eaten on site during the day. All.other hens ok. They were free ranging.

Racoon or hawk? Found it in the corner of the yard by the fence.
Any chance you can put a camera up somewhere? Blink cameras via Amazon work well and are a good cheap "trail cam" alternative if they are close enough to WiFi. I have one out by the coop - caught a possum roaming in/out of the coop the other night.

Run to your TSC or Co-Op and get a trap. Bait it up with anything sweet - Little Debbie snacks, Hostess. Or wet cat/dog food, canned fish. Should catch them in no time. If you are worried about cats or anything else getting in the trap then get a dog proof trap or "hand trap" that will catch anything with "hands" like possums and raccoons. They will reach in and get caught.



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