Preventing algae in waterer


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Is there any additive I can add to the chicken water to stop the inside of the container going green?
I put about 2% apple cider vinegar in my water. I change the water and rinse it out every 2 weeks. I use a large white plastic waterer. You can't add the vinegar to a metal waterer, and don't use the cheap stuff on the grocery shelf, it has no benifits. I use the Braggs from the grocery store or sometimes I can get a jug at the feed store, in the horse care area.
I'm a fan of vinegar too. For many reasons and applications. But at times there is a need for something more potent. I use bleach. One once per gallon. Let it soak for a day. The fowl can even drink the water with bleach in it.
I put about 2% apple cider vinegar in my water. I change the water and rinse it out every 2 weeks. I use a large white plastic waterer.  You can't add the vinegar to a metal waterer, and don't use the cheap stuff on the grocery shelf, it has no benifits. I use the Braggs from the grocery store or sometimes I can get a jug at the feed store, in the horse care area.

There certainly are health benefits associated with unpasteurized vinegar such as Bragg's that you won't find in the cheaper pasteurized vinegar. But for the purpose of reducing algae growth, any vinegar will do. Even cheap white vinegar will work, though it is not a very pleasant drinking vinegar. Vinegar is acidic, and it is this acidity that makes it inhospitable for algae to grow very well. I highly recommend the additional health benefits of raw apple cider vinegar like Bragg's, but if someone doesn't care about those benefits, then cheap pasteurized vinegar will work just as well.

Also, ACV is easy enough to make at home. Takes some apple juice and a couple months.
Sorry Pdirt, your post is much more clear. I should have put the word healthy in front of benefits. I do use cheap vinegar to clean and bath in, just prefer to drink the kind with health benefits.
Try using colored buckets. I can't put ACV in my water, it creates a "black cloud" in the water. Maybe that's good? I don't know, but it must be a reaction to my well water. I use the blue 5 gallon buckets from lows for my nipple waterers, and I have never had algae grow in them. Ever.

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