(Probably) My Last Breed ID


Jan 26, 2025
I got an assortment from Meyer Hatchery. Could be anything they sell. These birds will be seven weeks on Monday. I'll take my best guess on these and would appreciate y'all's feedback.
I got more chickens than I've posted, but the rest are mostly either sexed hens I ordered by breed, a couple cross beaks, and likely cockerels. I might be interested in a rooster breed later if I can't identify the one I settle on as a brood cock, but otherwise, they're dinner.

As I've been posting these and seeing responses, I get the sense that a number of these birds may not be true to any one breed. Is that common for bargain assortments? That being said, if I get some good layers and a decent rooster out of the lot, I'm happy. The plan is to end up with a backyard mix in a few years anyway.

Chicken 8 - Some kind of orpington cockerel? This one is easily my biggest chicken. (The grey bird in front, not the barred cockerel behind)
Chicken 8.jpg

Chicken 9 - Blue Ameraucana Hen? This bird is darker grey than the picture shows. Would you describe that bird's feathers as penciled or laced? I'm still unclear on the difference. (not the barred cockerel or Frizzle Easter Egger behind)
Chicken 9.jpg

Chicken 10 - Hen? I don't know what breed is black with a tuft on the head though.
Chicken 10.jpg

Chicken 11 - White bird with the grey head (not the Wyandotte or Austra White) Hen? I'm at a loss for breed.
Chicken 11.jpg

Chicken 12 - Black chicken in the center. Black Australorp Hen? Though, this one has a white feather or two near its tail.
Chicken 12.jpg
1. Lavender Orpington cockerel.
2. Could be a blue Ameraucana. If the soles of her feet are a pinkish color, she's probably pure. I don't know if her feather pattern would be considered laced or not.
3. Probably an egger of some sorts and appears to be a pullet. Meyers has a lot of different types of eggers so I'm not exactly sure which one she may be.
4. Pullet, and an Easter Egger.
5. Another Easter Egger. The comb seems pretty red in the picture and is giving me cockerel vibes.
I’m not sure on most of them, but the first one appears to be a lavender Orpington. I feel like it could go either way for gender.

The last one does look like a black australorp, besides the comb. From the picture it appears that that one has a pea comb. Australorps also don’t have muffs. The white is normal, black australorps loose the white as they get older.
I agree with Silver Birds on most points. However, I think 1 and 5 could still be pullets. They need a little more time to be certain about. And 2 would still have white feet and skin if it was a Marans cross olive egger, so you won't know for sure until you see the color of her eggs.

They all look happy and healthy, so you're doing a good job with them.
1. Lavender Orpington cockerel.
2. Could be a blue Ameraucana. If the soles of her feet are a pinkish color, she's probably pure. I don't know if her feather pattern would be considered laced or not.
3. Probably an egger of some sorts and appears to be a pullet. Meyers has a lot of different types of eggers so I'm not exactly sure which one she may be.
4. Pullet, and an Easter Egger.
5. Another Easter Egger. The comb seems pretty red in the picture and is giving me cockerel vibes.
1. Thanks. I haven't seen that one squaring up with other cockerels, but the comb looks cockerel to me.
2. I'll try to catch her and have a look at her feet tomorrow. I didn't know about the pink color.
3 and 4. Cool.
5. I'll keep an eye on that one for pointed feathers and cockerel behavior.

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