Pro's or Con's to a wire floor coop???


8 Years
Apr 26, 2011
If I use a Poultry Netting or Wire Mesh as the floor of the coop. I was considering it~ I am not out in the rural woods, I am an urban backyard chicken keeper! So I don't know that I would have alot of predator issues. But I would still want to make sure it's secure from possible hawks or racoons. I was thinking of building a box below the coop and filling it full of sand to catch the droppings for easy cleanup and recycle it to my compost. Granted in the winter I would probably find a way to cover up the bottom by making a slide in peice of wood to block out the cold. I'm toying around with the idea and wondering what the good and the bad would be from doing this. Also with this heat we are having during the summer it would be even nicer to have that draft. Then there are other thoughts as to the outside conditions like storms, rain would the moisture in the air or wind from the storms be an issue for the hens when they are inside?? Any thoughts and opinions are welcome!
I've done that with my brooder and am going to do it with my 2nd coop. The chicken/poultry netting won't work, holes too big and too flexable, for sure have to use 1/2" hardware wire and then have a removable peice of plywood or something else to catch the droppings and be able to slide out from the back or side of the coop, basically making a giant bird house, same principal as the small ones that you would put inside your home. Anyway, I think it's a great idea and will be starting on mine in the next few weeks and should have some pics of the progress.
I wouldn't use a wire floor, it's hard on their feet.

How many chickens are you planning to have? I have six in a raised coop with roosts and shavings on the floor. I use a litter scoop to pick up their poops in the morning, it's very easy and the house stays very clean. And the shavings and poop compost wonderfully here in Colorado's dry climate.

I could see that you might want an open coop to help with the heat, but really, I think that open walls and a solid floor is a better idea.

Also, don't be complacent about having an urban coop. Go to the Predator's thread and read about all the people who have lost chickens to domestic dogs and there's almost as many of those as there are ones lost to racoons and the like. Dogs are a BIG problem for city folk like myself. My neighbor lost all of his but one to a loose dog inside of 15 minutes. Make the coop as secure as possible. You'll sleep better.

I've read that some people find that the poop sticks to the wire and doesn't fall through. It seems that the wire would be more difficult to clean than shavings on a wood floor (which I use). I would also wonder if it would be hard on their feet? It's a good idea in theory anyway... Perhaps you'll get some answers from people who have used it effectively...
Why not go with a solid floor (sealed with paint or vinyl), coarse sand (great for dust baths and grit) and a litter scoop? Easy clean up and cheap. The fruit tree netting and deer netting are not that strong and chickens will get tangled in it and their weight will stretch it, same with chicken wire. Besides coons love it because they can walk right thru it but it stops the chickens from getting away, kinda like a box lunch with feathers. For the run, using hardware cloth or welded wire to skirt it. replace any chicken wire with it and use it to wire the top in and you won't even have to lock up at night because their run is a Ft Knox to coons and other critters. Also make sure your gate has a good coon proof latch.

Your winters aren't cold enough to be an issue as long as the birds stay dry, ventilated and draft free but if you are still concerned you can switch to chips for winter and do a complete change out when ever cleaning (shop vac and a putty knife works great) and dump it all on the compost pile. As for dealing with summer heat, (which is far tougher for birds than cold) just ventilate the walls, give them lots of shade, and keep water in front of them 24/7 and they will get thru just fine.

Hint: If you save the wall cut outs, you can reinstall them for winter
Chickens love to scratch in compost piles, put sides on it to keep them from scattering it and let them eat the bugs and mix it for you

Now relax and enjoy your birds
ok thanks everyone! Yea I was just teetering on the wall with this one... my dad was urging me to do an open floor because of the poo. But me, I want it like a little house with a floor! I will enclose it on the bottom and just use the sand as I was thinking about doing in the beginning. And I definately be composting it! I have to build a box in the backyard in the back I know they will love digging through that. I don't want to make my babies uncomfortable, so I'll give their feet a good floor. I will have a large window area for ventilation and plus some smaller vents just below the roof line. I'm driving myself crazy building this coop because I keep coming up with different ideas lol What about a vent for the roof? Kinda like we have on the house would that help any heat that might build up in the coop escape out? Necessary or over the top lol. I will have their coop underneath the shade of a tree so it will get partial sun in the afternoon, so it won't be in the instense heat. Dogs~ I do have a fenced in backyard so other peoples pets would not be an issue for me. I have the fort knox of yards for my kids as well as my animals!! Now the racoon, hawks, or owls would probably be the predators that could invade my yard. From what I understand the Racoons and Owls typically will only hunt at night? And the hawk would be the one thing that could possibly terrorize my chickens. They free range in the back during the day... I typically will let my dogs watch over them through most of the day and I will go out and check on them. We have lots of shaded cover and protection in the back. I'll take pics of the building progress but thanks for your input on the flooring~ You helped me settle that issue!! Here's some fun pics of the chickens in the yard







In this pic where the tarp is~ That's where the chicken coop is going The base is already set in place and leveled!





Here you can see 1 of my guard dogs!
Cool pics!!! Nice backyard!!! I still think it's a good idea and when they're in the coop they'll only be in there at night and mostly roosting during that time, so in my case the way I'm building mine with beam supported 1/2" hardware wire covered with plastic poultry netting I don't think that it would be too hard on thier feet at all. It worked great for my current bunch when they were little and in the brooder built the same way and super clean and super easy to clean.
If I use a Poultry Netting or Wire Mesh as the floor of the coop. I was considering it~ I am not out in the rural woods, I am an urban backyard chicken keeper! So I don't know that I would have alot of predator issues. But I would still want to make sure it's secure from possible hawks or racoons. I was thinking of building a box below the coop and filling it full of sand to catch the droppings for easy cleanup and recycle it to my compost. Granted in the winter I would probably find a way to cover up the bottom by making a slide in peice of wood to block out the cold. I'm toying around with the idea and wondering what the good and the bad would be from doing this. Also with this heat we are having during the summer it would be even nicer to have that draft. Then there are other thoughts as to the outside conditions like storms, rain would the moisture in the air or wind from the storms be an issue for the hens when they are inside?? Any thoughts and opinions are welcome!
Hello there I love to breed chickens and rabbits in my backyard garden in UK . before buying chicken and chicken coops could you able to give some good tips and advice which is useful for me without spending more money . Thank you
Hello there I love to breed chickens and rabbits in my backyard garden in UK . before buying chicken and chicken coops could you able to give some good tips and advice which is useful for me without spending more money . Thank you

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