Puffy eye and cheeks


Mar 6, 2025
Good afternoon, I need some help please, I have 2 khaki Campbell ducks. The female has a slightly puffy eye and face, I've never experienced this so am panicking because I don't know what to do
If there something I could buy to help??

I can't get a picture of her because she won't come near me at all

If anyone could help that would be amazing
Wasn't like it yesterday as far as I'm aware. Her being completely normal I don't think it's bothering her but I would like to get it sorted just don't no how
I recommend gently examining her eye to see if there are any visible signs of injury or swelling. You can also try gently flushing the eye with saline solution to help reduce any potential irritation.
Her eye lid is slightly swollen, and her cheeks, I did see the eye earlier and it looks normal but I'll get my partner to check it when he gets in as she doesn't let me stroke or cuddle her, I'm clearly not her favourite lol
A localized infection, abscess, or injury may be the cause of the swelling on the cheeks and eyelid. So,
It's important to cover any changes in its size, shape, or color. Her face is being affected, so it's critical to keep an eye on her eating and drinking patterns to make sure she can continue to eat comfortably.

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