Pullet or Roo?

they look like EE pullets to me, in my experience the males are a variation of white, the females have dappling like that.
they look like EE pullets to me, in my experience the males are a variation of white, the females have dappling like that.
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

Have to disagree with you about males being white. IMO that will depend on the genetics they come from.

I agree. While Easter Eggers aren't a breed, rather a "mutt", males commonly have very different colors than the females.

EE sold at the feed stores aren't mutts... they are Ameraucana that DON'T fit the breeds' standard but are REPRESENTATIVE. Not exactly the same thing. Yes many EE you find bred out in the public ARE indeed mutts, just any chicken bred to a blue egger. :)
looks like a classic Easter Egger to me! (they are a mixed breed with a blue egg gene so they come in all colors! My avatar is an Easter Egger)
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I agree the very fact they are cross mean they should look exactly the same. :old

Also think they look like EE pullets. :) :fl
and both look Pullet!

They look like Easter Egger pullets to me.
they look like EE pullets to me, in my experience the males are a variation of white, the females have dappling like that.

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