Quail keep dying for some unknown reason - why?

Maybe two months or so - it's strange, there were fine until just the last couple of weeks. This is Wynola Ranch cage, I don't have a photo but each level is about 2x3 feet, PVC covered hardware cloth for the floor, solid metal and wire walls. I keep the garage doors open during the day when I'm home and have the cage right behind one of the doors so they get sun and fresh air etc., though I don't think a predator would be getting in during the day. Plus it doesn't make sense that all the quail on the lowest level have been fine. I feed all of them Nature's Best egg layer crumble, it's an organic feed.
No not layer feed it will kill them, do not give them feed with calcium
Calcium will not kill the hens nor the cockbirds, there is not enough calcium in most feeds for them to contract liver or kidney disease from the calcium.
Hens will use the calcium in their bones when calcium levels are too low in feed, further weakening the hen, and possible causing, prolapse, egg binding, and shell-less eggs.
A diet containing too much calcium can be a serious problem for young chicks and growing birds under 18 weeks of age. The recommended level for calcium is 1% or below for these birds; layer feed has up to four times this amount, so you should never feed it to birds under 18 weeks.
A diet containing too much calcium can be a serious problem for young chicks and growing birds under 18 weeks of age. The recommended level for calcium is 1% or below for these birds; layer feed has up to four times this amount, so you should never feed it to birds under 18 weeks.
These are also coturnix quail. They start laying as early as 6 weeks.

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