QuailShaQ 101.1

Thank-you very much Fat Daddy and Model-A, Pm's sent. It doesnt really matter to me about colors (you can tell by looking at my chicken pens, theres a million different bantys and their mixed babies all over the place her) i like suprises. But i have goldens right now.

Just letting everyone know that Fat Daddy and Model-A are the nicest people in the world.!
hmmm, me think if we send out Quail eggs to good folks across this great place,

and they in turn send out Quail eggs to good folks across this great place,

we have with very little sense/cents created a Quailaborative

and everyday the sun turns to the moon is a good day...

Well TD, That's a brilliant idea right there my good man. Guess that's why you get to drive the short bus and I just ride....
I sell Coturnix eggs if you want some good stock.

Hey Clint, I have great stock and I'll pay you to take them!!! Now thats a deal...
I sell Coturnix eggs if you want some good stock.

Hey Clint, I have great stock and I'll pay you to take them!!! Now thats a deal...

set those white bird eggs @ 7/19 @ 12:19AM

Friday will be ten days and I can try and candle, no smells coming from the bator yet!

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