R they as messy as ducks?

Geese on feed may produce liquid waste but when on graze they mostly produce green turds that look like the product of many small dogs. My neighbor saw my area where I let the greese graze and asked me why I had used a plug airator(sp) on it the waste looked alot like the plugs produced by that machine.
It does seem hard to tell how much space is necessary for how many geese. It seems like everyone has different experiences!

For us, we have 2 geese and 8 ducks. They free range a fenced acre during the winter, but in the summer they're confined to our 1/4 acre hobby orchard. They're all locked up together in a predator proof house at night. All food and water is kept outside of the house. They get fed free choice pellets, and as you can imagine, consumption goes up and down seasonally.

Our ducks and geese haven't trashed the yard in the least bit-- if anything, the yard looks pretty good with all the extra fertilizer.

Everyone's mileage seems to vary, so I'm not sure how much our experience will help you, but it's another data point, at least!

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