Raw bleading butts

Here is an update on my 6 chickens. The two with the butt bulling situation are on the mend and put in a separate area of the run while they heal. This morning when I went out to the coop I discovered my beautiful Barred Rock hen dead on the ground. The back side of her neck and upper back had been plucked, but there was no blood!

This means I have 3 potential perpetrators left: a Silkie, a Buff Orpington, and an Australorp. I figured the Silkie would be innocent in all this however today she actually attacked one of the hurt chickens.

I am not sure what to do at this point. I think I will bring in the two wounded chickens for the night again. And just leave the other three in the coop. Any other suggestions...there could be another fatality tonight.
We have a very nice coop and run

I have a luxurious coop and large run!
Sorry, this doesn't mean anything to us. There are many chicken owners who have been led to believe their coops are big enough when they are not. Knowing the dimensions of the coop and run will help us better help you and your chickens.
Sorry for your loss. In the morning could you post pictures of the chickens from the side? Could any of them be a cockerel? Watch their behavior in the morning. I hope there are no more losses overnight. You could separate them if possible. Game cameras can be helpful inside the coop. I might start feeding a 20% protein flock raiser feed. Put out some crushed oyster shell for the extra calcium if you don’t offer it already. Some canned rinsed tuna or salmon can be a good treat.

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