Reasons Why You Shouldn't Keep Just One Goose

OT but this applies even more so with guinea fowl. No other poultry have the same manners as guinea fowl and no other poultry can understand the behavior of guinea fowl. Turkeys fall into the same category but their manners are more understandable by other poultry.
This is awesome! And a useful thing to be able to link to.

My local feed store gets goslings in once a year from Metzer (I believe) and always has a sign up that they will only sell a minimum of 2 at a time, which is awesome. And how I ended up with geese again... ;)
I still want to get a mule next though as much as I respected my great great grandmas geese as a young man for predator defense(apparently I was the predator and deathly afraid of those birds). But after reading OP received a great education. BTW GGGrandma had about 30 of those evil biting things.
I agree about not keeping animals alone, except if the goose is imprinted on a human. It will see the human as it’s mom and it will be bonded with that human. In that case it does not need a companion of its own species because it thinks it is a human.

So, I actually had one lone gosling at first. Her name is Lacie. I didn't intend to have just one goose, but her mate died in transit on the way to me and it was too late in the season to get more goslings at that point.

She did imprint on me. She followed me around, snuggled with me, etc. But, I had a life. Classes to go to, a job to go to. She obviously couldn't come with me to those things, so she had to be alone. A goose, when allowed to live as it naturally would, would spend 24/7 with its flock. It will eat with them, swim with them, sleep with them, etc. Its flock would never leave it alone to run to the store. If you plan on getting a house goose, you need to be able to be with it 24/7 or it's not fair to the goose. I don't think I know a single person who would be able to have their goose with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without ever leaving it alone. And forget about vacations. A hotel isn't going to let you bring your goose with you. Nor are restaurants, places of interest, etc.
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I can definitely attest -- I just lost Crystal and Ella was alone for two days. I was able to find someone with buffs on CL and grabbed a goose and a gander. Even though they were separated, Ella refused to leave them to go out with her ducks. Then they learned the neat trick of opening the gate and have all run around together. Geese need geese,
I can definitely attest -- I just lost Crystal and Ella was alone for two days. I was able to find someone with buffs on CL and grabbed a goose and a gander. Even though they were separated, Ella refused to leave them to go out with her ducks. Then they learned the neat trick of opening the gate and have all run around together. Geese need geese,
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am happy to hear about your smart geese!

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