Red Pyle Leghorns


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I crossed a lt brown leghorn roo with some white leghorn hens and got some just beautiful red pyle chickens. Sorry no pics. I gave the chicks away, but just saw them a few days ago. I would like to try this again. The roo was just awesome.!!! Does anyone know if this was just an anomily or will this same cross reap the same results?
White leghorns are usually expected to be 'pure' for expended black under their white. This usually makes their offpring all white. It seems that your white leghorn is probably 'split' for extended black & another gene.
If you breed the same birds again you will probably get the same colour of offspring.

This would not usually be the case with other white leghorns crossed with (light) brown. Usually one crosses white to brown & the offspring back to brown in order to get some pyle offspring.
Well, I am getting some more white leghorns from the same line so that is good. I dont know where I will be getting my lt brown ones yet. I was thinking the white leghorns are reccessive white? I dunno much of anything about color genetics. I sure would have loved to keep those chickens. They were such perfect type and gorgeous color.
White leghorns are dominant white (I).
Hopefully some of the whites might be split E/e+, that will help.
If all of your offspring from crossing your new whites to (light) browns are white just cross the offspring back to brown leghorns & that will give some pyle.
Well, I am getting some more white leghorns from the same line so that is good. I dont know where I will be getting my lt brown ones yet. I was thinking the white leghorns are reccessive white? I dunno much of anything about color genetics. I sure would have loved to keep those chickens. They were such perfect type and gorgeous color.
Are you still doing the Red Pyle Leghorn project?
These sound very interesting.
I have looked everywhere trying to find someone that might be raising Red Pyle Leghorns. I would love to buy some chicks from you!! Is there anyone out there that has a pen of Red Pyle Leghorns that will be selling day old chicks? I'd love to buy some! A personal reply to me would be very much appreciated. You may post a reply to: [email protected]
I would really appreciate any information given. Also, if there are breeders out there that have Mille Fleur Leghorns; I would really like to order some chicks. Again, I would really appreciate any information as to where I could order chicks of these two breeds. Thank you.

Cletus Murphy
I have looked everywhere trying to find someone that might be raising Red Pyle Leghorns. I would love to buy some chicks from you!! Is there anyone out there that has a pen of Red Pyle Leghorns that will be selling day old chicks? I'd love to buy some! A personal reply to me would be very much appreciated. You may post a reply to: [email protected]
I would really appreciate any information given. Also, if there are breeders out there that have Mille Fleur Leghorns; I would really like to order some chicks. Again, I would really appreciate any information as to where I could order chicks of these two breeds. Thank you.

Cletus Murphy
I think that dominant c z poultry company produces and sells mille fleur leghorns. They are called dominant tricolor.

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