Red Rum .... I mean ..... Red Bum

It's a good thing that I'm working on changing things around! I'm still going to feed Rooster Booster Multi Wormer a couple times a year. It claims to kill round worms, cecal worms and capillary worms in poultry. I don't really know how well that has ever worked. Which is why I did the 3 TBS pr gal of water ...... but that doesn't really matter I guess. I did hit them all with the highest recommended dosage for 3 days in a row of the liquid goat after your recommendation.

I would like something to mix in with the feed though. 27 chickens takes a while to try to deworm for 3 days! What is your opinion on the powdered dog dewormer (Active ingredient is 22.2% fenbendazole), or the multi-species pellets (For Turkeys: 14.5 g active ingredient fenbendazole/ton of feed, to be fed as the sole ration for 6 days. Example: 1 lb of Safe-Guard
0.5% Dewormer, Multi-species should be mixed into 313 lbs of feed, to be fed as the sole ration to growing turkeys for six consecutive days)? They eat the rooster booster pellets well, I mix it right in with the lay pellets. I worry about mixing the liquid & it either going bad or freezing come winter. Plus, anything to save a little time ..... working a full time job, & 20 hours at the barn doesn't leave me with a lot of free time for gardening, hunting, cooking, cleaning, & sleeping ..... let alone catching chickens to deworm!

I also bought a bunch of dried herbs (over $100 worth!) that I mixed up & put in their nesting boxes. I've read a lot of positive things about them .... insect repellent, calming the chickens, better smelling, etc, etc. I guess I'll find out!

To this day I don't know for sure what was going on with LG & her bald, red bum. Being the fact that I took away the small single roosting bar, & built a large, multi-bar & multi height stand a couple of weeks before they started molting, & shortly after she started growing feathers back, it leads me to believe that either someone was pecking her & only her feathers out (even though they all had a place to roost before & I put blu-kote & bag balm on her) ....... or something went wrong during her molt last year & she never grew feathers back in until this years molt. Maybe because of how cold it was? This year I started feeding them Agway Egg Producer (higher protein) instead of Hearty Hen for their pelleted feed as soon as they started molting (they're still getting Southern States Layer Breeder Crumbles), & I'll probably continue it until spring when it starts warming up.

I've only owned them for around 1 1/2 yrs ..... so still have a lot to learn!
The cost isn't what I'm too worried about. I can get a 25 lb bag of the .5% multi-species pellets through work. Right now I'm trying to figure out how much they would need to be effective. I know it's 50 mg pr 2.2 lbs, so each bird would need around 200 mg (some hens weight less than 8.8 lbs, but I also have 3 large roosters). With (currently) 27 birds, that would be a total of 5,400 mg or 1/5 oz ..... if I did the math correct. The rooster booster is 1/3 oz pr 1 lb feed, or the entire 1.25 lb container pr 1 50 lb bag of feed. Would I mix the pellets right in with the feed? Would it be about 10 ounces for a 50 lb bag? It doesn't seem like much ..... but I'd rather be a little over knowing how safe it is, than be under & be throwing money away. I still have some liquid left that needs to be used up before I even consider buying a bag of the pellets, but I'd like to figure the pellets out first.
If I read the label correctly, one pound of pellets will treat 100 pounds of birds at 50mg/kg. Count your chickens, add up their weight and mix the pellets in their feed for that day, but don't be surprised when you see a pile of pellets at the bottom of their feed bowl. :D

I think I'll give it a try when the liquid is gone. They eat the rooster booster pellets well, so who knows!
Hi I'm chicken sitting for a friend and I've noticed she has a red rashy bum and is also laying pointy eggs, is this ok ? I have messaged my friend to ask wether this is normal but she's travelling and doesn't have reception much.
I actually have a different hen with a bald butt this year. I have yet to figure out who the feather plucker is. Your friends hen could be having her feathers plucked, it could have bugs, could have worms, could have a skin issue going on. Hard to say for sure. My hen from this post still lays very pointy eggs ...... but her bum is no longer red & bald!
I just discovered I have an Australorp hen 18 months old that has this condition. I have had chickens for 5 years; broody and moulting, but never had one look like this with blood red skin. I am trying to find out what it is. I don't believe it is lice or moulting. She could be moulting, but I've never seen one moult with the red skin. She roosts on the top roost and is the last one off in the morning. I thought it might be a skin infection, so I sprayed iodine spray on it...we'll see if that has any affect. I just sprayed for lice 2 weeks ago. Has anyone ever heard of chickens having skin allergies?

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