Rescue Chicken - Identification Help!

Thank you for the advice! I will get on the oyster shells and dirt tub for her bath! She has a brick and a rock in there for her beak and has been cleaning her beak on it.

The bottom layer of the coop actually has a 3 foot layer of chicken wire and another 3 foot layer of 1/2 inch hardware cloth on top of that! the chicken wire in the back is up against the side of garage but we were planning on adding a wood panel behind it just to be safe! Thanks for the advice!

Recently, over the last few weeks, a chicken has been visiting my backyard. I figured she was a free range chicken and went back to her coop at night. I ended up following her one night and found out she was living in a downed tree behind my fence. I started giving her food and water while I figured out what to do. After a lot of research, I decided to rescue her and build her a large coop and fenced in yard space along with adopting a few other chickens for her flock. On Christmas day, I found her stuck in a foot of snow after a terrible snowstorm. I built her a temporary shack out of 2x4s & 1/2 inch hardware cloth, went to Rural King for crumble and free range scratch and bedding and got to work. We’ve built a 40 sq foot coop and run for the chickens and she is currently the only one inside. We will be getting the others in a few days.

I need help identifying the breed so that I can best understand her characteristics and needs. I also was wondering if anyone had tips about what to provide for your chickens as I am a novice. I have done extensive research but have no experience. Thanks for your help in advance!

She has a black/yellow beak, a small red comb, red/brown eyes and green feet. She’s extremely talkative, sweet and friendly. She has been eating her food as well as vegetable scraps and seems very content. She’s been roosting every night!

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I have no idea on the breed (newbie), but she is lovely & quite lucky to have found you. I commend you for rescuing her.
Lovely Easter Egger pullet hen! :love

One of my favorite "breeds" and can't go wrong having one.

Skip the scratch (or keep below 10% total intake since it's deficient in nutrients).. provide oyster shell free choice on the side of your crumble..

Give her a rock or brick to hone her beak on if needed.. looks like the top might be a little long??

A tub for dirt bathing will also offer some natural grit.

What I see look like chicken wire and NOT 1/2 inch hardware cloth.. two completely different beasts with hardware cloth ACTUALLY protecting from grubby raccoon paws that pull chicken heads off through chicken wire. I could be mistaken about what I'm seeing though.

Thank you for offering her a safe shelter, food, and care! :hugs

Mutts is kind of an ugly derogatory term.. that doesn't give ANY credit to hybrid vigor but acts like inbreeding to get "purebred" is a good thing. it doesn't bother me either way.. since I KNOW the truth about "breeds". ;)

BUT it's much kinder and maybe even more appropriate to call them barnyard crosses or backyard mixes.. If only I could ALWAYS be more kind.. but I am practicing! :cool:
I agree. We have a mixed breed dog & when people ask the breed I say M-U-T-T, spelling it so she doesn't hear the derogatory term. I need to drop that word

Recently, over the last few weeks, a chicken has been visiting my backyard. I figured she was a free range chicken and went back to her coop at night. I ended up following her one night and found out she was living in a downed tree behind my fence. I started giving her food and water while I figured out what to do. After a lot of research, I decided to rescue her and build her a large coop and fenced in yard space along with adopting a few other chickens for her flock. On Christmas day, I found her stuck in a foot of snow after a terrible snowstorm. I built her a temporary shack out of 2x4s & 1/2 inch hardware cloth, went to Rural King for crumble and free range scratch and bedding and got to work. We’ve built a 40 sq foot coop and run for the chickens and she is currently the only one inside. We will be getting the others in a few days.

I need help identifying the breed so that I can best understand her characteristics and needs. I also was wondering if anyone had tips about what to provide for your chickens as I am a novice. I have done extensive research but have no experience. Thanks for your help in advance!

She has a black/yellow beak, a small red comb, red/brown eyes and green feet. She’s extremely talkative, sweet and friendly. She has been eating her food as well as vegetable scraps and seems very content. She’s been roosting every night!

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Easter egger

Recently, over the last few weeks, a chicken has been visiting my backyard. I figured she was a free range chicken and went back to her coop at night. I ended up following her one night and found out she was living in a downed tree behind my fence. I started giving her food and water while I figured out what to do. After a lot of research, I decided to rescue her and build her a large coop and fenced in yard space along with adopting a few other chickens for her flock. On Christmas day, I found her stuck in a foot of snow after a terrible snowstorm. I built her a temporary shack out of 2x4s & 1/2 inch hardware cloth, went to Rural King for crumble and free range scratch and bedding and got to work. We’ve built a 40 sq foot coop and run for the chickens and she is currently the only one inside. We will be getting the others in a few days.

I need help identifying the breed so that I can best understand her characteristics and needs. I also was wondering if anyone had tips about what to provide for your chickens as I am a novice. I have done extensive research but have no experience. Thanks for your help in advance!

She has a black/yellow beak, a small red comb, red/brown eyes and green feet. She’s extremely talkative, sweet and friendly. She has been eating her food as well as vegetable scraps and seems very content. She’s been roosting every night!

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I would just like to point out again the generosity of the person who rescued Mabel. We know how much money has probably been spent on Mabel's behalf, an obvious unplanned expense. Hats off to you for taking on this homeless hen, I think she's in good hands now.
I would just like to point out again the generosity of the person who rescued Mabel. We know how much money has probably been spent on Mabel's behalf, an obvious unplanned expense. Hats off to you for taking on this homeless hen, I think she's in good hands now.
Thank you for saying that! She found my yard & once I knew she was on her own, it was game over for me. I’m so happy to have her here now & look forward to this adventure that she’s brought into my life.

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