

In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2025
I have 1.5 week old chicks. This morning when I came out to check on them, I noticed 1 of my barred girls opening her beak and closing it, like she was trying to breath. She did it a couple times. I went inside to get my phone, so I could try to video it. By the time I got back out, she wasn't doing it anymore. I still separated my 3 barred girls. I've been now sitting with them for an hour and none of them have done it again. What's the chance it's not a respiratory issue and she was just too hot?
Chicks can gasp for air, or they can pant, and they can adjust their crops by stretching the neck. I would not separate them from the others unless you see more signs of illness. Other signs of respiratory illness are watery/bubbly eye, sneezing, or swollen eyelids. Where you get these chicks? Were they from and hatchery or feed store that is supplied by feed stores?
Chicks can gasp for air, or they can pant, and they can adjust their crops by stretching the neck. I would not separate them from the others unless you see more signs of illness. Other signs of respiratory illness are watery/bubbly eye, sneezing, or swollen eyelids. Where you get these chicks? Were they from and hatchery or feed store that is supplied by feed stores?
Okay, thank you. I got them from Tractor Supply on Wednesday, March 5th.
Do you have a heat source for them, and is there a thermometer on the floor under the heat source to make sure they are not overheated? They will pant if they are too hot. At 1.5 weeks they need a temperature of around 80-85. Make sure they have a cooler spot and room to get away.
Do you have a heat source for them, and is there a thermometer on the floor under the heat source to make sure they are not overheated? They will pant if they are too hot. At 1.5 weeks they need a temperature of around 80-85. Make sure they have a cooler spot and room to get away.
I do have a heat source and a thermometer. It has been around 90-80. They also have a cool spot to get away from the heat, if need be.
It sounds like everything is good. If you see anything else that looks like gasping, get them drinking some electrolytes since that can be a sign they are possibly dying. Good luck with your babies.

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