Ribh's D'Coopage

I've, lost her MJ. šŸ˜¢Not surprised but it was really fast. When I was reading up I read that egg peritonitis often happens when hens come back on the lay after their moult. Morrigu was the last hen I would have expected to have trouble & I'm not sure if that's true but so not the sort of stuff I'm really cluey about.
Oh I am so sorry, @Ribh! It is so hard to lose our chicken friends! šŸ˜­
It's only marginally warmer than yesterday. šŸ„¶
even the cats don't want to go outside!
Thinking of you Ribh. She was safe with you until the end. :hugs :hugs :hugs

Sorry to hear

So sorry Jeannie :hugs:hugs

I'm so sorry Jeannie :hugs :hugsShe was well loved by you

Iā€™m so sorry Ribh... šŸ’•ā¤ļøšŸ˜ž

Iā€™m sorry, Ribh. šŸ˜•

So sorry Ribh. :hit:hugs

Oh I am so sorry, @Ribh! It is so hard to lose our chicken friends! šŸ˜­
Thank you everyone. :hugs @BY Bob has given me quite a bit of peace; handy having a microbiologist about the place! :lau There was nothing that could have been done even if the vet was on island that day. Just one of those awful things. Life is like that sometimes.
I should upload one of the videos I took the other day, I have a patch of mint about a meter square and anywhere from half to a meter tall. Tuesday morning is was covered in so many kinds of bees it was amazing!
Please do. Our native bees are doing really well, even in the cold.

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