Ribh's D'Coopage

Portia seems all recovered. She roosted with the tribe last night ~ with a little encouragement. :lol:
What a wonderful shot showing the fence with the neighbors. I feel like i haven't seen that view before. It looks marvelous there. The chickens look very happy. You have done a great job with your recent sick ones. :thumbsup
So it's taken me a little while to complete another video; I fell down an animation rabbit-hole and it's taken me a bit to climb back out. Nevertheless, here is video number four: "Portrait of Danu". I will post this on Bob's thread too.

And my chicken tax. It's still Fluffy Butt Friday! (And I haven't forgotten the piano videos; I have to wade (yes wade) through my husband's office to get to my old computer. Someone may have to submit a missing person's report.) :D

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And the hits keep coming! A completely different turn and i love it! it sure was worth the wait. Great work. 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
There are 3 chickens in here vying for nesting space. 🙄
Unfortunately Portia is one of them. Luna is behind & under her & Beatha is @ the back. As Luna was there first she wasn't budging for anyone!
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Olivia politely asked to come inside this morning. She settled beside me for a quick cuddle but really she was looking for a suitable laying spot. She has retreated to the shed.​
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come on rooster lady. Help me find a good place to lay my egg. Such a darling little lady. 🥰 🥰
One of the things I truly hate about keeping chickens is the flies!!!
They come in absolute droves. 🤢
I've always kept a couple of fly traps round the coop because I figure the girls are no fonder of them than I am. Given the amount of manure & our warm, damp summers it just seemed sensible to have a couple hanging where they'd catch the maximum number of flies.
However when we moved here & the girls insisted on hanging on the patio of an afternoon it became impossible to set foot outside without 1 or 2 flies getting into the house. My son hates them more than I do so I repurposed an old fly trap I found in the yard & hung it @ the back door. It's only been there a couple of weeks but that's disgusting! Yep, the fly population has been considerably reduced!
Anyone else with the same problem or is it lovely, muggy Queensland?
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We get flies in late summer and I have to deploy traps but i remember them coming before we had the chickens. Now that may be faulty memory as much as anything else. :confused: I cannot be certain.
Mine won't eat the flies. :( Can't say I blame them but when it comes to protein I guess they've been spoilt.
Mine love the flies. I have a no chemical trap that I call the natural chicken food accumulator. They all line up for the free insect snacks when i dump it.

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