Ribh's D'Coopage

I’m getting Caturday in early. :D

Oh, help! 🙄
Chavi has been accumulating eggs ~ far too many for her to cover, so I removed a couple. She will still have a staggered hatch if she manages to hatch any at all but she's such a dipstick I was pretty much resigned to having another disaster on my hands.
Chavi was bad enough. Chavi & Tootsie was a flea circus
but now Ha'penny has joined the broody band! :he
I have no idea how many eggs are in there now. I'm loath to disturb Ha'penny, especially so early in her sit, as she's super skittish @ the best of times & has got worse now we have a rooster.
All this I could roll my eyes @ because we all know my girls are mad as hatters, & let it play out, but I have organised to go down to Brisbane to see the grands before school resumes just as these eggs are due to break shell! :confused: My house sitter is brilliant with the cats but knows next to nothing about chickens. At 8 Ha'penny may not get another chance to raise chicks & she has tried @ least once every year I've had her so it seems cruel to deprive her yet again when @ least she is sitting somewhere accessible & that *I* deem satisfactory. Just @ the moment I can't think why I thought keeping chickens was a good idea..


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