Rocky: The rooster who loves killing hawks.. mating with hens.. and eating blueberries.

Thank you. It is raining over here now, I will check out the brick pavers and rip-rap. I won't be able to do it until probably after Christmas as we still have rain to then.

Thank you for the pictures.
That is awesome yard! It mostly likely to take me longer to do my yard. The pavers look really nice. A little space in between the paver allow chickens to peck at and still they have clean surface to walk on. Some of my chickens have furry feet so dry surface is healthy for them. Our climate here is a bit similar to California, so no risk of snow there.
I understand how fluffy feet certainly don't do well in muddy rain. We chicken owners all seem to have some kind of issues we have to fix for our chickens.

Rome wasn't built in a day. We tackled one muddy issue at a time & 4 yrs later it is mostly done. We tackled the immediate places first which was the run, then turned attention to not so immediate areas afterwards.

Just think of all the time you'll have for planning while its raining & see where the worst damage is & start work there. The planning is fun, the work hard, & the satisfaction when its done is priceless! We had to buy our pavers a few at a time as the work progressed cuz of $$$. But when a sale hit we bought 2 palletsfull & had Lowe's deliver the pallets to our driveway.

Chicken yard before paver stones 2019

Chicken run w/ pavers + added canopies 2021



Two pallets of pavers delivered to our driveway (in the far distance top of photo) - one pallet nearly empty

Pallets of pavers - one pallet nearly empty
Looking at your yard gives me a lot of ideas. I do have some turmeric and ginger plants in chicken run and they were mowed down by our girls in no time.

I have this time to do the planning and when I do order those pavers, I need to do them all in one goes as the delivery fee is very expensive.

Your chicken run is really nice, it has trees, and these trees are fenced I really like it. It will take us a long time to get all these done, especially the ground is so uneven. I have a big compost bin in the middle of my chicken run so it is not moveable until it is finalised the compost which is a long time.

We are having pouring rain at the moment, and I am wanting to get same sugarcane mulch to temporary fix the muddiness and water potholes, but I can not as it is raining so badly now.
No snow, I am in Australia and our state's weather is similar to that of California. We have many tourists from Europe in our winter and they are acting like it is summer while we are all cover up. :)
Yep my parents went to Arizona for winter and would be in shorts, the locals wore long pants and jackets 😁

You’re in your summer season soon, how hot does it get there?

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