Roosters? (Photos)


15 Years
Apr 19, 2009
So I’ve been trying to get a white & Black Easter Egger….the farm store ordered hens only….but the first one I raise was definitely a rooster and now has a flock of his own.

I currently have three Black & White EEs that are about 6 weeks old now I think and I haven’t heard any crow attempts but their size and one of them has neck feathers reminiscent of a roo.

what are your thoughts - do you see any roosters?


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They're a little too young to call yet for sure, but their combs are pretty colorful for that age. So they may well be cockerels. I'd give it a while longer to be sure, though.

Unfortunately, black and white coloring is usually associated with male Easter eggers. Not always, but usually.
Hi there! I have 2 Easter Egger pullets that are black and white and 1 that's grayish but I have to be honest.. all started out looking like little brown chipmunks except the rooster which was striking with black eyeliner. Here are two 12 week old EE pullets and an EE rooster. The rooster was very obvious by the stance, tail feathers, and red shoulders that grew in around 8 weeks old.

Looking at yours... I think your whiter ones are pullets. The first photo may be a cockerel, though. The feather coloring isn't consistent throughout and I've learned with EEs, that's more of a male trait. Either way, I'd wait until you hear a crow or see an egg before you make a decision.


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