Ross Acres (Ross Bantams) Exhibition Call Ducks

Here are some pictures and videos of my new birds! The first few pictures are of my new pastel drake.

Here are some videos of them in their new pens. I got one pair of pastels and one pair of snowies. The third snowy hen was one I already had. I am elated to have these great birds. Hatching season is going to be so exciting. :woot
Edit: I apparently can't upload videos from my laptop. I'll have to figure that one out
Here are some pictures and videos of my new birds! The first few pictures are of my new pastel drake. View attachment 3904364View attachment 3904365
Here are some videos of them in their new pens. I got one pair of pastels and one pair of snowies. The third snowy hen was one I already had. I am elated to have these great birds. Hatching season is going to be so exciting. :woot
Edit: I apparently can't upload videos from my laptop. I'll have to figure that one out
Upload to YouTube and then post the link here.
Yesterday I sold my original pastel call duck. I nought him at Ohio Nationals last year. His mate died from a bacterial infection and ruptured ovary months after I bought them. He was lonely for a few months, but I found him a temporary girlfriend. You see, I was looking for a pastel hen for him. But everyone knows, it's hard to get females without having to buy a male as well. But somehow I got super lucky and met a friend that not only had a pastel hen, but lived 15 minutes from me. The kicker, he didn't want to sell her. In fact, he wanted to buy my drake because his drake mysteriously passed away. So I had a drake and he had a hen. Both of us did not want to get rid of our birds.

So I proposed a plan. I asked him this: What if I borrow your female, introduce her to my drake, then incubate all of the eggs I get from them, then we split all the babies in half. Then at the end of the season, he would get his hen back and we would both have babies to raise.

He was all in on this idea. I was elated. Well, the season has passed and guess how many babies I hatched. 1. One baby hatched. It was a rough hatching season. I decided at the end of the season that I wanted better stock and the opportunity rose. So I ended up selling my drake to my friend with the hen. He was so excited to finally have a male to put with his female. Probably one of the only times someone will be excited to get just a drake :lau

I will miss the drake. He went through a few moves with me and plenty of shows. I know he'll have a good home and be loved.
I turned off all three of my incubators this morning. I never realized how quiet my office is until I turned them all off. I may turn them back on for white noise lol.
I hatched a ton of partridge Wyandottes and 7 call ducks. Not a great hatching season, but it happens. Now I need to do my end-of-season cleaning of the incubators and put them in storage so I'm not tempted to hatch anything. Hatching season starts back up around late December. For now, it's show season. I'm excited to show what I've worked hard on this year. I'll update soon with pictures of this year's prospects.
Yesterday I sold my original pastel call duck. I nought him at Ohio Nationals last year. His mate died from a bacterial infection and ruptured ovary months after I bought them. He was lonely for a few months, but I found him a temporary girlfriend. You see, I was looking for a pastel hen for him. But everyone knows, it's hard to get females without having to buy a male as well. But somehow I got super lucky and met a friend that not only had a pastel hen, but lived 15 minutes from me. The kicker, he didn't want to sell her. In fact, he wanted to buy my drake because his drake mysteriously passed away. So I had a drake and he had a hen. Both of us did not want to get rid of our birds.

So I proposed a plan. I asked him this: What if I borrow your female, introduce her to my drake, then incubate all of the eggs I get from them, then we split all the babies in half. Then at the end of the season, he would get his hen back and we would both have babies to raise.

He was all in on this idea. I was elated. Well, the season has passed and guess how many babies I hatched. 1. One baby hatched. It was a rough hatching season. I decided at the end of the season that I wanted better stock and the opportunity rose. So I ended up selling my drake to my friend with the hen. He was so excited to finally have a male to put with his female. Probably one of the only times someone will be excited to get just a drake :lau

I will miss the drake. He went through a few moves with me and plenty of shows. I know he'll have a good home and be loved.
And he's so close you could possibly visit too
Went to the Putnam County Fair last weekend. My friend runs the poultry show for the fair, and she asked me to bring some ducks to entertain the fair goers. I grabbed three of my favorites (not necessarily my best) and took them to the fair. Well, my snowy call drake won champion of show! Definitely not expected, but it's the first time ever for me! My white wyandotte pullet got Reserve Champion too!
After judging, I let the kids pet him while I held him. Everyone loved the "baby ducks" :)


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Went to the Putnam County Fair last weekend. My friend runs the poultry show for the fair, and she asked me to bring some ducks to entertain the fair goers. I grabbed three of my favorites (not necessarily my best) and took them to the fair. Well, my snowy call drake won champion of show! Definitely not expected, but it's the first time ever for me! My white wyandotte pullet got Reserve Champion too!
After judging, I let the kids pet him while I held him. Everyone loved the "baby ducks" :)
I love those baby ducks too, lol.

Favorites as in personality then?

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