Considering rotational roosters… I have 3 currently, 3 different breeds. Should I leave certain hens with certain roos? Could I rotate them out or is that asking for trouble?
I’m seeking some interesting colors on plumage and eggs. Breeds listed below, what do you think?
I’m hoping to end up with a mainly white roo (I know it’s far fetched without bringing in different breeds)
Not a huge fan of barring in the birds like the barred rock or cuckoo marans.
I have 23 chickens at this second.
I have 3 roos, a cream legbar, salmon faverolle (he’s pretty dark), and a rainbow (he’s pretty red but with some patterns starting to peak out. He’s a baby at 4 weeks)
My hens consist of the following
3 black australorps (1 lays a pretty pink egg, 1 lays a very very light almost white egg)
1 barred rock
(No eggs from Here on. All too young)
1 starlight green egger (Haven’t got an egg yet. She’s white and red)
1 cream legbar - pure bred
1 ameraucana (Easter egger) black with gold leakage (definitely want a favucana)
2 midnight majesty marans
1 olive egger (looks like BCM hen with ameraucana tail. No egg yet)
1 maybe olive egger, maybe blue copper maran (no egg yet. She’s blue with a copper head and neck)
1 Smokey pearl
1 appenzeller
2 blue laced red Wyandotte (1 is more splash than blue)
1 prairie blue bell (primarily white with almost splash looking black)
1 salmon faverolle (she has some pretty significant black leakage)
2 Easter eggers (mainly red / they look like baby hawks)
1 wellsummer
I know that’s A LOT of breeds but even if you have thoughts on 1 or 2 combos, I’d love to hear it!
I’m seeking some interesting colors on plumage and eggs. Breeds listed below, what do you think?
I’m hoping to end up with a mainly white roo (I know it’s far fetched without bringing in different breeds)
Not a huge fan of barring in the birds like the barred rock or cuckoo marans.
I have 23 chickens at this second.
I have 3 roos, a cream legbar, salmon faverolle (he’s pretty dark), and a rainbow (he’s pretty red but with some patterns starting to peak out. He’s a baby at 4 weeks)
My hens consist of the following
3 black australorps (1 lays a pretty pink egg, 1 lays a very very light almost white egg)
1 barred rock
(No eggs from Here on. All too young)
1 starlight green egger (Haven’t got an egg yet. She’s white and red)
1 cream legbar - pure bred
1 ameraucana (Easter egger) black with gold leakage (definitely want a favucana)
2 midnight majesty marans
1 olive egger (looks like BCM hen with ameraucana tail. No egg yet)
1 maybe olive egger, maybe blue copper maran (no egg yet. She’s blue with a copper head and neck)
1 Smokey pearl
1 appenzeller
2 blue laced red Wyandotte (1 is more splash than blue)
1 prairie blue bell (primarily white with almost splash looking black)
1 salmon faverolle (she has some pretty significant black leakage)
2 Easter eggers (mainly red / they look like baby hawks)
1 wellsummer
I know that’s A LOT of breeds but even if you have thoughts on 1 or 2 combos, I’d love to hear it!