Rural king baby chicks

Chick 1 unknow sex


Chick 2 unknown sex

Chick 3 unknown sex

Chick 4 unknown sex

Chick 5 "Tiny" unknown sex

Chick 6
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None of those are Barred Rocks.

Barred in Barred Rock means barring. All barred birds as chicks have a clear white head dot which genetically indicates the barring to come.

With one exception (which I don't think is a true dot as it does not show up in other pictures), none of your birds have a white head dot, so no, they are not Barred Rocks no matter what the feed store manager thinks.

You might have some Black Sex Links, but I think the feet are too yellow. You might have Black Jersey Giants, at least one, with the dark legs and yellow foot pads. If they grow big, that's what they are.

The little runt is something else or failing to thrive.

Here is a good site to look at chick down for the different breeds. You'll see what I mean that they can't be Barred Rocks.

I have no idea then, like i said Im just trying to help my sister and all I have to go on is what I was told by rural king, they were not labeled.

Ive searched through so many threads, and so many black baby chicks look alike, I guess we will have to wait and see what they look like in a few weeks. I will let yall know what mystery chicks she end up with lol
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Several people have said black sex link, so Im leaning towards that!
Black Sexlinks. Both Australorps and Jersey Giants have yellow bellies and throats as chicks. They look like little penguins. As black as those chicks are, they are black sexlinks. And the ones with the head spots are male. TSC employees, even managers, can't be relied on to be able to identify chicks.
Hang out here in the spring time, and you'll get to read all about the meat chickens that were sold to be pets/layers. There are hundreds of threads about TSC misidentified chicks.

These are what Australorps and Jersey Giants look like as chicks.

These two are Black sexlinks.

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