Salmon Favorelles Roo or Pullet?


12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
I have two Favorelles, I was told it was straight run, so I took a gamble. They both have different color feathers, one has more black and white and the other has different hues of brown. Is there a tell-tale way of identifying by feather color or do Favorelles come in dfferent colors? Thanks, Jamie
based on what i knoe i would say that the one with the darker feathers is the roo, and the other a pullet.
How old are they? Do you have any pictures? I don't know the breed at all, but I'm sure somebody on here does and can probably help you identify them. I hope you have hens!

You may be able to go on and be able to figure out what sex they are. Just look up that particular breed and there will be several great pictures for you to compare with.
If one faverolle has ANY amount of black feathers in the breast area, its a boy. Females will have no black in their breast at all. Thats the fastest way to tell the difference besides come growth.
Thanks everyone! I think I got a roo! I bought two of them, and the first few days one was smaller and sleeping all the time, very weak. I tended to it, got a syringe for water and it perked up in a few days and was fine. Strange enough, the roo is the smaller one! He has very few feathers right now in his wings that are black. The other chick I bought has probably double what he has and they are all brown feathers, but I do see a little black under neath, and im talking minimal, so I'm hoping they're not indeed black. I want at least one favorelle!

My next question, by experience do you find the favorelles develop slowly compared to others? I bought 7 more chicks of different sorts a week younger than this pair and they have feathered quite considerably more than these two.

Thanks, Jamie
I hatched some Faverolles, and I got six roosters out of seven eggs.

Here's a picture of one of my roosters. He's a little over two weeks old:


You can see that the upper wing feathers are rusty.


Even so, I know they're roosters because their leg feathers are coming in black. On a hen, the feathers would be white or light. Even though the dark feathers is not apparent in the photo above (Foucault still has down on his legs), it's apparent here:

Hi this is my first post here- have just hatched 3 LF Salmon faverolles -and was wondering if I had roos or hens. They are a week old and have darkish speckled flight feathers coming through -does this mean there are probably roos? all three are identical!!! Might have to start making friends now with the neighbours:D Lovely photos by the way.
Thank you! Darkish speckled flight feathers are probably roosters, but I hope you don't have the luck I had, though. Can you post pictures? For myself, I'm going to try again with the Faverolles--they're such sweet, sweet birds. So affectionate and polite.

I've just ordered some more eggs from a different place, a place called Stormstyder Poultry, and they're meant to be shipped on Monday. I'll cross my fingers for pullets this time. I also ordered some Wheaten Ameraucana eggs from them.

If everything works out with my NEW plan, I should have a Salmon Faverolles hen, a Wheaton Ameraucana hen, a Cuckoo Marans hen and a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen... meaning I should have dark brown, brown, tinted and blue eggs, and will be able to tell who is laying by the color of the egg. What a pretty basket that will be!

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