Sand or wood chips


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2024
Looking for advice for large chicken run. Read many posts praising using sand in your chicken run vs wood chips or mulch. I live in the upstate of SC with chilly winters bit humid hot summers. The run will be inside a 3 sided pole barn and will be dry most of the time.
Looking for advice for large chicken run. Read many posts praising using sand in your chicken run vs wood chips or mulch. I live in the upstate of SC with chilly winters bit humid hot summers. The run will be inside a 3 sided pole barn and will be dry most of the time.
I personally hate sand.. it's a barren waste land and even when poops are scooped out daily kitty litter style, the "juice" left behind.. makes it essentially still a nasty litter box. Plus it's heavy, doesn't compost well, etc, etc.

If you're willing to remove and wash your sand.. then *maybe* it's a good option for your location. It didn't work well for me in the PNW.

Using wood chips and/or mulch (deep litter) at least invites other beneficial microbes/bacteria to the party that helps break stuff down.. and doesn't stink to high heaven when it does get wet.

Best wishes figuring out what works well in your location and with your flock size, set up, and routine!

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