Saturday Lime for run?


In the Brooder
Feb 9, 2025
Our run for our chickens that are 6 weeks old sits on grass, is it ok to spread Saturday Lime lightly over the grass where their run sits? I’ve heard it helps with deodorizing and repelling mites ants etc
it should be ok for your chooks, just be sure to apply it lightly, and make sure there is not to much dust when you put it down, and continue to watch your girls to make sure its not effecting them in any way.
Our run for our chickens that are 6 weeks old sits on grass, is it ok to spread Saturday Lime lightly over the grass where their run sits? I’ve heard it helps with deodorizing and repelling mites ants etc
The run won't have grass for long. The SL will not repel mites. Just let the chickens dig out dust bath sites and bathe daily. Wild birds bring in parasites so keeping them away from the chickens will do more to prevent them.

As for odor, a properly sited and sized run with a thick layer of dry organic material will take care of that. You should not have any odor problems as long as the run is dry and not overpopulated.

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