Saw our first wild ground predator! What was your first reaction to yours?


Aug 22, 2022
NW LP Michigan
Were free ranging a flock of 14 and 2 daytime goslings. Usually our worry is toward the skys which we have a good and bad situation. Bad seems to be a bonded pair of red tail hawks. But the good. We have a rather large grouping of crows which seem to go after the hawks when their around so the hawks don't hang around for long.

However today we saw our first wild ground predator lol. With our coop on the back side of our house and a large field in the front separating us from my brother's house I was talking to my mom and out our front window I see a fox cross the field. I've never seen a fox in the day time. It was just crossing. It stopped for a minute seemed to be panting and yawned before continued across. I was standing there watching it. Low and behold my mom was freaking out. To satisfy her I went out and started rounding up chickens and unfortunately 4 of the 14 are still free ranging ignoring us for the treats. It just so happens to be our brahmas and easter eggers that havnt associated themselves with the flock yet.

We need to work on things it seems.
We love our crows, too! They are the best.
Even the chickens know not to be afraid of the crows overhead, meanwhile they still startle at the woodpecker because he's not around every day 😅

First ground predator was at night - a possum on the roof of the coop, trying to tear the hardware cloth off the vent under the eaves. He was making such a ruckus I heard it from inside. He got blasted with the hose on jet, lol.
We love our crows, too! They are the best.
Even the chickens know not to be afraid of the crows overhead, meanwhile they still startle at the woodpecker because he's not around every day 😅

First ground predator was at night - a possum on the roof of the coop, trying to tear the hardware cloth off the vent under the eaves. He was making such a ruckus I heard it from inside. He got blasted with the hose on jet, lol.
My mom used to hate the crows but ever since she learned that they go against the red tailed hawks shes tolerating them more.

XD poor possum but he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing!

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