Scaly Face Mites?

I do have a garage, but the problem is, it is very far from my coop and is windowless. I do have an old rooster pen (I say old because I culled the birds who were in it, not because of its age) that I could keep him in during the day, and take him back to the coop at night. It is attached at a chicken-wire fence so he would still be able to see the others. Do you think that would work? It has a "coop" attached (a dog kennel covered by tarps) which would keep him out of the wind.
I do have a garage, but the problem is, it is very far from my coop and is windowless. I do have an old rooster pen (I say old because I culled the birds who were in it, not because of its age) that I could keep him in during the day, and take him back to the coop at night. It is attached at a chicken-wire fence so he would still be able to see the others. Do you think that would work? It has a "coop" attached (a dog kennel covered by tarps) which would keep him out of the wind.
If the old pen is secure from predators, that may be a good place to move him to while he recovers.
Sounds good, then. How often can I apply the betadine? His eye is entirely swollen shut now, poor guy. None of the others are showing signs, so that's good.
Actually, I have never seen fowl pox in my flock before, but the lesions first are papules which leak, then progress to pustules and turn crusty. Then they dry up eventually. I would put the Betadine on just once, and see if they start to dry up.
Actually, I have never seen fowl pox in my flock before, but the lesions first are papules which leak, then progress to pustules and turn crusty. Then they dry up eventually. I would put the Betadine on just once, and see if they start to dry up.
They weren't leaking until this morning, and I first put Betadine on yesterday afternoon, and again this morning. Maybe they aren't leaking, maybe its just his eye? It seems to be originating by the scab that's making his eyelids swell so bad.
You are welcome to post more pictures of the pox scabs anytime.
Ok, then. It's not pretty, I'll warn you. I just hope he makes it out of this! He looks like he's from a horror movie. Fortunately, he is still eating (with gusto) and drinking. I've been taking him beans, rice, sunflower seeds, and scrambled eggs to encourage him to eat more.


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