Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I breed sebastopols and no the gosling does not look Sebastopol. Since your friend let them all run together it may be a tufted Roman cross with Sebastopol. But not a true Sebastopol.
Here are very young Sebastopol goslings. These are day olds. Notice there is no tuff on their heads. Also see the head type looks different than your gosling. No matter it will be a sweet loving baby to you.

I breed sebastopols and no the gosling does not look Sebastopol. Since your friend let them all run together it may be a tufted Roman cross with Sebastopol. But not a true Sebastopol.
Here are very young Sebastopol goslings. These are day olds. Notice there is no tuff on their heads. Also see the head type looks different than your gosling. No matter it will be a sweet loving baby to you.

Yep, she doesn't look like that at all but regardless of what she is I love her. Thank you for responding to both my posts by the way. I really appreciate everyone who helps me navigate my way through the world of "farm fowl" even though they are all pets. My family jokes when I'm online that I'm "Chillin with my peeps on the BYC"
Yep, she doesn't look like that at all but regardless of what she is I love her. Thank you for responding to both my posts by the way. I really appreciate everyone who helps me navigate my way through the world of "farm fowl" even though they are all pets. My family jokes when I'm online that I'm "Chillin with my peeps on the BYC"

The gosling on the far left is a Tufted Roman x American can see the adorable lil tuft. The other three goslings are pure Sebastopols. : )

Two older Tufted Sebbie mixed goslings on the far left.

~ Aspen

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