Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

RedRoosterFarm lovely

A special THANKS to Nava and her DH Dave for my new gander.. He is wonderful and my lovely lil girl is no longer lonely..She comes out honking which I have never heard her do so its quite funny hearing her make all the new noises. Thanks so much!!! :)
There are very few breeders that actually have show quality birds. They may say they have lines from so and so, but that doesn't mean they are "show worthy". And, most exhibition breeders aren't going to sell their show birds, it's so hard to get good ones.

Most breeders have sold out their gosling orders already this year. You just have to wait and see what becomes available. My birds generally start laying at the end of the month and the first week or two of eggs I won't set.
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I'm curious--do you not set the first weeks' eggs because the quality isn't as good as later in the season or ... ?

There are very few breeders that actually have show quality birds. They may say they have lines from so and so, but that doesn't mean they are "show worthy". And, most exhibition breeders aren't going to sell their show birds, it's so hard to get good ones.

Most breeders have sold out their gosling orders already this year. You just have to wait and see what becomes available. My birds generally start laying at the end of the month and the first week or two of eggs I won't set.

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