Seemingly white crested black polish born with a 99.5% black crest?

Aug 18, 2017
the pictures arent the best, but my post is referring to the only all black chicken in the brooder. i personally like the looks a totally black polish better than one with a white tophat. however, until this year's adoption grab bag/late hatchers, i didnt think that even existed... I most recently got what appears to be a white crested black polish, except the chick is 100% black, even his legs, and his or her crest only has one tiny little speck of white on it. This bird just doesn't look like the color to all the baby chicks i've seen pictures of in the white crested blue or black polish. i looked up "black polish" and found a few photographs of all black polish chickens...but none that people seem to advertise for sale.
i have been able to find genetics on some breeds, but not this one. such as, it's widely stated of the % age of a degenerative beak on an easter egg chicken, or the %age of a crested a duck's offspring that has no crest. but for white crested black polish, i'm coming up with absolutely no luck finding the % of how many white crests are born without a white crest???

judging by my other polish chicks, this one really does look to be polish...the beak and nostrills....the clean legs...the overall body-shape & crest on the head...just...never seen one with these markings before, and wondered is there an extremely close look-alike breed to the polish, or have i adopted a cull, instead of a "late hatcher," or is this late hatcher also a cull, or do some just come with tiny speck of white on their heads and a 100% black body?

i have them as pets, so this is curiosity more than anything . i never would cull them, unless it was suffering and obviously not going to make it.
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Welcome to aka BYC! :frow
We are so glad you joined our flock.

See if this video will help you get some pictures loaded.

i'm not sure how much this one weighs...seemed sort of the size of a small standard, or possible bantam even? have pictures, they're not too great. obviously its the only black the buff might be a buff orpingtion standing next to him...not sure....but i do know the buff is a standard. the are all the exact same age.
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i just looked up Creveceour baby chicken...i dont know much at all in terms of recognizing breeds,! that actually looks like alot like him.

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