Separate shoes for chicken run?

This one is easy! What else but this:

They also have the boot style.
Our chickens are free range and wander several acres. We each have yard shoes and then standard shoes. When we're outside doing ANYTHING, we wear yard shoes. If we're going into town to run errands, we wear other shoes. They don't cross over. We dip the bottom of our shoes in bleach water once a month or so; more often in the summer.

We sweep the entry driveway, garage & carport at least once a day to remove and dry poop and I hose it down every other day or so.

Once we get to the house, all shoes come off and people either go barefoot or wear slippers. No shoes in the house.
Cute catachresis there--I presume you meant "bout." For myself, even if the whole world wants to go into panic mode about biological matters (or otherwise), I refuse to be forced to fear. For example, during the initial covid lockdowns I still visited sick friends in the hospital, without a face mask (third world country and many did not have the money for the masks, nor were they enforced), and, guess what?! I'm alive and well today to tell the story. I've had covid, and, therefore, have natural immunity.

And that's what we need with our animals, too: natural immunity.
Egg Blues! I'm with you 100%. Where i come from, i'm a pure blood! Natural immunity for the win!
Before my dogs ate it, I had a specific toilet brush (never been used for the toilet) kept by our boots so we could fish for spiders before we put our backyard footwear on.
great idea! i always do the “tap and look” before putting mine on. i forgot that ONE time and of course there was a toad in my shoe. i almost didn’t see it in time. 🤢 now i don’t forget to check.
That is a good idea! I keep mine in a boot tray inside the house because we have scorpions 🦂too 😬
Oh yeah that's a creature I would not want in my boot. Or a snake. When I was a kid we had a cat that liked to leave gifts by the front door. Once she dropped a dead snake as a present in Dad's boot, like a twisted psycho Santa haha
Looks like this is a pretty old thread, but it came up again so I guess I'll weigh in, too.

I have separate boots for around the chicken areas. They don't come inside the house, and they don't leave the property either. Everybody wears house slippers inside the house, including guests. Outside shoes in the house is just gross to me. I have separate shoes for going out around town. And a separate pair of boots for tending to other people's chickens (separate from the boots for my own chickens), for biosecurity reasons. Same for clothes - different clothes for my chickens, and for other people's chickens, that don't come into the house. That's all because I don't want chicken poop in the house, and when I go out to tend to my chickens, in addition to stepping in it, I often end up with poop on my clothes just from brushing against roosts etc. or from the chickens sitting on me to hang out. The little butts also LOVE wiping their beaks on my clothes after eating something wet/mushy, like fruit or the wet mash I make them. So my clothes end up a mess after having been to see the chickens.

As for "back in the day", I guess it depends on where exactly you come from and what your family's setup and rules were. I grew up on a farm and helped out with chores, we had lots of animals, but the animal spaces and the human spaces were separate. We didn't have chickens roaming the garden or the backyard where we grilled and hung out. The chickens had their own area, and so did the other animals. Some of our neighbors had their land more open, with chickens, pigs, goats and whatnot all roaming together and coming up to the house door... Gross. There were turds of all shapes and sizes littering the ground everywhere and at all times. It was like walking through a minefield. No thanks. One rule that was common to everybody in the area though, was no shoes in the house. We had slippers or slides or something to change into (but not barefoot, because country feet are diiiiiirty). So that's what has largely inspired my current setup. I like it like that. I can have a clean backyard for my children to play in, I don't have to worry about squishing turds while relaxing on my back porch, or about tracking them into the house, and whoever wants to go hang out with the chickens, puts their chicken boots on.
P.S. One thing I haven't quite figured out how to do, in terms of carrying things from one property to another, is mites... I have separate shoes and clothes, but mites can ride back in your hair, in your underwear, in tiny cracks and wrinkles and such and unless you do a full-on decontamination procedure like they do in the movies, I don't see how you can prevent them from coming home with you. I brought mites back to my coop like that last summer, when a friend of mine had them and I tended to her chickens while she was away... I knew she'd had them on and off, but thought that was one of the "off" periods. Guess not :( By the time I noticed them in her coop, I'd already been going there for a few days and soon enough, I found them in my coop, too.

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