***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Nekhebet: Bob Whites are so cute!
I love their short fat lil' beaky poo!
Humm, that's what I've done in the past but back then I was only having to turn 6 button eggs now I have to hand turn 42 ...
Today was a great day! So far, 17 babies hatched, and 1 is trying to break out of the shell. They are so unbelievably adorable, I just can't stand it!


Well, my final count looks to be 17/20. Not bad at all!

What do you guys do with eggs that aren't really viable, but aren't dead yet either? I have two remaining eggs. One I can still see a BIT of veining and movement, but the chick inside via candling appears to be too small (about 1/2 the egg) and the movement is very minimal. No internal pip. I put it back in the bator 'just in case'. It's still alive so I don't feel right tossing it.

The other one I was about to give up on when I thought I noticed a bit of pulsation - opened the top of the egg to make 100% sure and found a chick that was moderately shrinkwrapped, but had not internally pipped and still had veining in the membrane so I could not do anything. No beak visible, so it was either planning to pip on the wrong end or the beak is tucked somewhere. I think these two eggs may have been the ones incubated in my horrible hovabator so they didn't develop well. Anyways, it's still got a heartbeat although I am pretty sure it's not going to make it - and is probably not viable enough TO make it even were I to get it out - I've helped shrinkwrapped chicks on prior hatches and they peep like mad when you start peeling them out. This one, no sound, etc... and it's very small.

I'm sure it's just a poorly developed chick - I wrapped it in warm cloth and put it back in the bator - but what do you do? I figure if they aren't going to make it, at least they'll be warm. /shrug.
I still only have 1 keet. I knew I would have a staggered hatch. It is just so stressful watching the little one all by itself in the brooder. It keeps calling to me, this one really thinks I am its mother. Come on keets, pip like crazy today!
I have 11 silkie eggs under two broody hens. They are supposed to hatch Tuesday. The suspense is killing me!!! Every time I go by the coop I peer in to make sure the two girls have ALL the eggs sufficiently covered. Usually I have to evict a third Silky hen out of the nest. She gets in right on top of them and wiggles until she is jammed between them. This nest is a small basket that is only big enough for two....WALL TO WALL! She lays and egg and then takes off. What an irresponsible mother!HA! Don't worry, not fertile. I haven't candled these shipped eggs and don't know what to expect. I've read what low percentages are to be expected with shipped eggs, yet I still dream of having all 11 peeping and picking ! Silly?

If one has trouble hatching I guess I won't be able to help it because I won't know it under the surrogate mom. What do you all do? Do you pick up the hen while babies are hatching or leave them strictly alone? How will the babies get out of the nest box, the sides are 6" high with open squares on all sides (like a plastic laundry basket). Should I try and turn the basket on it's side? Any help would be appreciated. I've only hatched one time before and it was in an incubator, so I don't really know what to expect.
Is it too late to join? My eggs are not due to hatch until October 9th because I just put them un today. It's my first time hatching so I am very nervious about it.

I have a nice new Genesus 1588 and I bought shipped hatching eggs from Wynette that is a Moderator on BYC. I see her often on the Marans thread.

I bought 6 Black Copper Marans and 6 Olive Eggers and she sent me seven of each. So 14 eggs set. I tried candeling them with my nice new candeler but since I had absolutely no idea of what I should see, I just had to be satisfied with the fact that I could see inside the eggs.

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