September Hatch-A-Long!

All my mixes are out - 100% hatch again. But both my surviving South American rare breeds are still sitting in their shells absorbing I hope. I was able to remove the top membrane of the Huastec and she/he is still in there napping. Hoping it doesn't get to glued in since it looked like the yolk may have been ruptured.And hoping it gets enough good stuff to make it. The Colloncas still has big veins on top so not touching it at all. But neither have died from the bleeds so that is a plus!
It's still very busy on here I see? Only 3 more days left then we're into October! Sheesh!
Does anyone continue hatching through winter? It's my first year with my girls and I'm not sure how they will lay when it's cold. Are their eggs poorer quality in winter?

On another note, my little runt who hatched on day 23 seems to be doing well. It's totally dwarfed by the others but is eating and fluffed up nicely.
Congrats on everyone's hatches.

3rd from the left.

I hatch year round.............I bump the protein and add vitamins.............Usually hatch my own eggs and do OK.
Soooo happy to hear about your late arrival
Tonight we go on lockdown and so far everything seems to be going ok. My problem is that DH's birthday is the day before hatchday and he has planned for us all to go camping. It's a big birthday for him, he's turning 40 (I've been there done that), so I don't want to step on his celebratory camping/fishing trip. Soooo. The camper has electricity, and the car has electrical outlets as well. Do yall think they will be alright for the minute or so that it takes to go from the outlet in the house to the car and then to the camper?
Tonight we go on lockdown and so far everything seems to be going ok. My problem is that DH's birthday is the day before hatchday and he has planned for us all to go camping. It's a big birthday for him, he's turning 40 (I've been there done that), so I don't want to step on his celebratory camping/fishing trip. Soooo. The camper has electricity, and the car has electrical outlets as well. Do yall think they will be alright for the minute or so that it takes to go from the outlet in the house to the car and then to the camper? gave me such a good giggle this morning.................
I use to give kittens or puppies to my DH on his B-day because he was to polite to complain about a gift.
Of course it was something that I wanted................
The eggs will be fine.a smooth ride is likely more important than the heat being off for a minute or two..........
Good Luck.....................
This is my first hatch, from my own little flock and the grandbaby and I have been getting more and more excited the closer we get to hatchday. We have the alarm set on my phone to remind us to turn them (mostly so that she will turn off the alarm and run squealing to me that it's time to turn the eggs...I'm a sucker for a good Maddy squeal). We've been candling and reading this site together She is so in love with Max the turkey, BTW. And the DH springs this trip on us and I'm like, really? Now? I love him to pieces, bless his heart, but he can be such a big baby about some things. (and apparently turning forty is one of those things. It may be fun, though, to have a hatch at the campsite. I wonder if chicks can eat s'mores?
Morning of hatch day here, eggs weren't set until 9pm on a Friday but so far I've got 5 of 13 babies out and two more pipped. 6 of the 13 are shipped eggs, so far 3 of those have hatched which is GREAT! Hoping the other 3 do too ;) they're my blue cochins
This is my first hatch, from my own little flock and the grandbaby and I have been getting more and more excited the closer we get to hatchday. We have the alarm set on my phone to remind us to turn them (mostly so that she will turn off the alarm and run squealing to me that it's time to turn the eggs...I'm a sucker for a good Maddy squeal). We've been candling and reading this site together She is so in love with Max the turkey, BTW. And the DH springs this trip on us and I'm like, really? Now? I love him to pieces, bless his heart, but he can be such a big baby about some things. (and apparently turning forty is one of those things. It may be fun, though, to have a hatch at the campsite. I wonder if chicks can eat s'mores?

how granddaughter loves visiting and practically taking over all the chicken chores...she's 10

I think we all love Max...Deanna needs to write a "Max and me" story

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