Serama Hatch-Along Thread!

That being said. Should I do a new post next week when the next batch arrives? What should the theme be? TV characters? Spring names? Food theme? What is the input from yall who love to do hatchalongs? (I'd hate to see yalls chick support $$ 😆)

You can keep them on this, just switch up the theme!
That being said. Should I do a new post next week when the next batch arrives? What should the theme be? TV characters? Spring names? Food theme? What is the input from yall who love to do hatchalongs? (I'd hate to see yalls chick support $$ 😆)
My chick support bills are outrageous - and I'm losing track of all my "kids" 🤣

If some are the sins, maybe the virtues to be opposite but sort of same theme 😁

TV characters? Be warned you might end up with a serama named Spock... 🖖 🤣

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