Sex of 4 week old Light Brown Leghorn?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 8, 2012
New York

I have a 4 week old light brown leghorn that came from a hatchery as a sexed pullet. I wanted some good layers and the brown leghorns are prettier than the white so I ordered one. I did a search but none of the threads that came up helped enough to decide. The comb is really large and the chick has tiny spur bumps like a cockerel would have but the color seems more female than male. The chick is flighty but curious and doesn't panic when I hold it. But I am confused! Can someone with leghorn experience help me figure out the sex of my chick?

Thanks Smoochie. I hope so!
spur bumps are present on both genders just like both genders of humans have thumbs.

Everything about your chick looks pullet so far, and smoochie is right, Leghorns just have big combs.
That's really good to know about the spur bumps.

So far I've had good luck with sexed pullets from MPC and had a feeling she was a pullet but that comb was really throwing me off. Most of the photos I found of similarly aged pullets had smaller combs. Thanks Pele.
I agree, the color says girl. Those leghorn girls get impressive combs but if she was a cockerel it would be even larger at this age!
So, this chick is supposed to be a brown leghorn... Based on the markings as a chick I was thinking pullet, but now with the black chest I'm confused.. And thoughts?!



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