Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

About an hour and a half in the allotment run for the chickens today. I found these five locked in this when I arrived. No I don't know the reasoning behind it.

The tarpaulin had formed puddles with the recent rain and was sinking into the pond leaving places in the pond exposed.

Coop cleaned. Pellets fed. Water changed.

People have been taxed by the rich one way or another for centuries. At least they don't take a third of your food, or one of your children for slave work much anymore.

Like Manue, I'm more than happy to pay taxes to support the countries infrastructure. What I'm not happy about is how little control I/we have on what our taxes get spent on.

There's an interesting example of this in the UK currently. We have a government funded National Health systems. One of the greatest advances in social care ever undertaken imo. Most of those who work in the NHS get paid badly, from the cleaners right throught to the senior nurses and the tech divisions. Some doctors do reasonably well in the system.
The Nurses mainly went on strike recently. Almost of unheard of despite their years of sub standard pay. In part this is because nursing was considered by some to be a womens job and consequently worth less.

The government, despite the obvious inequality of nurses pay between the NHS and other private health concerns are refusing to pay a reasonable pay rise that would pull many out of what the goverment itself has defined as poverty.
I have little doubt that should the government ask the British public to vote on a large payrise for nurses the public would vote an overwhelming yes.
It's not that the government doesn't have the money, or rather can't get it given our national debt, but they won't pay.
I would like to have a vote on this. I would much rather we paid our health care workers decent wages than I would on many of the projects governments seem so fond of.

I've often thought that a form of purchase tax might be better than tax at source; we got that anyway in the UK with Value Added Tax (VAT). I understand it's a complicated system to set up, but I think there may be advantages to the system in the long term.
In the simplest of terms, if I buy a luxury item I expect to pay considerably more for it and get heavily taxed on that purchase. If I'm buying basics required to live above the poverty line, I don't want to be paying luxury item prices or any tax.
I think this aligns with some of my points. Paying tax is generally acceptable. If more of your tax money goes to the local government, then the more you have a say in how your tax money is spent.

As a self-identified green libertarian, I agree with a lot of little pieces of the major parties. Getting money out of politics is my number one gripe with American elections. I think government should protect the environment and encourage people/corporations to do so through policy. I think importing goods from a country that moved jobs out of the US to somewhere that is paying workers in another country pennies should be import taxed heavily. I think the amount of government regulation over individual choices is insane, and is set up to hurt small farmers. If I want to pay my neighbor to process meat, and sell the cuts to another neighbor who knowingly knows where had it processed and how I raised it, that should be legal. But…protect citizens….my neighbor can buy cartons of cigarettes and cases of alcohol, but it is illegal to buy meat from an uninspected facility. Backyard chickens should not be illegal anywhere if they are housed and fed correctly and kept off of neighbors properties as requested. Gardens should not be illegal anywhere. There are so many things that bother me. I don’t want to derail the thread. Just pointing out that parties were created to separate the masses and keep us from questioning the leaders. Taxes are good for some things. Taxes are also used to fund projects and legislation to line the pockets of major players. There are few things that are inherently good or bad 100%.

Tax: Little Roser ❤️

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