Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Some days!
It was supposed to be cold and dry and what I got was wet and warm.
C had been at some point.

I really don't understand. I would have to be blind drunk to do this sort of thing and yet C moans about other people for leaving stuff that attracts rats. Yup, that is birdseed in the feed tray.


3.5 hours today.

I noticed an advertisement on the BYC front page for recycled plastic coops and a recent thread on buying a recycled plastic coop. I've taken some pictures of taking the old coop down.

That's a rat hole. A couple shot out when I took the other side off and the whole coop sort of sagged.:D

If nothing else I appreciate the plus sides of plastic coops even more having taken this prefab to bits. Every slat joint has bugs in the groove. If bugs can get in mites could have a population explosion party in there.
I noticed an advertisement on the BYC front page for recycled plastic coops and a recent thread on buying a recycled plastic coop. I've taken some pictures of taking the old coop down.
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That's a rat hole. A couple shot out when I took the other side off and the whole coop sort of sagged.:D

If nothing else I appreciate the plus sides of plastic coops even more having taken this prefab to bits. Every slat joint has bugs in the groove. If bugs can get in mites could have a population explosion party in there.
Yes the prefab slat coop I bought used is in a covered cattle panel hoop coop and it's falling apart.
The plastic looks better for a couple hens
The plastic looks better for a couple hens
That is the current problem, most are just not big enough or that well thought out. Hopefully this will improve in time.
My eldest says I should buy another Solway and do a conversion in their back garden and sell it.
I told her I'm retired.:D
I finally got home to my recipe cards (I am old school with recipes).
I don't usually do 'cups' because it is such an imprecise measure - but this is a very imprecise recipe so don't get too accurate.
- 1 cup of dried chickpeas
- 1 cup of chopped parsley
- 1 cup of fresh cilantro
- 1 small onion chopped
- 3-4 garlic cloves
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
My notes on ingredients say:
- Go heavy on the herbs - can take another cup easily
- Can also go heavy on the spices
- Mint and dill are also good additions

To make:
- Soak chickpeas for 24 hours and then drain
- Put everything in the food processor together (it helps to roughly chop the herbs first so you don't run out of room in the food processor bowl)
- Heat oven to 400 degrees F (~205C)
- Shape mixture into balls and flatten
- Drizzle with olive oil and put in oven
- Turn over when they begin to look cooked
Sorry, I didn't note how long they took to cook - not long - maybe 30 mins? I think I tasted my way to deciding they were done! They will get crispy and dark brown on the outside and be softer and green inside.

Serve with Tahini Sauce, pickled veggies and shredded lettuce/cabbage in a pita-bread pocket.

I haven't tried making my own Tahini (which I think it would be easy), or Pita (which I think will be hard).
Falafel tax

Serve with Tahini Sauce, pickled veggies and shredded lettuce/cabbage in a pita-bread pocket.

I haven't tried making my own Tahini (which I think it would be easy), or Pita (which I think will be hard).
Thank you so much; I'll have a go this weekend. As it happens I've just made a sauerkraut, so that'll work for the pickled veggies and shredded cabbage in one, and the timing is perfect!
And pita is easy to make - give it a try :cool:
Thank you so much; I'll have a go this weekend. As it happens I've just made a sauerkraut, so that'll work for the pickled veggies and shredded cabbage in one, and the timing is perfect!
And pita is easy to make - give it a try :cool:
Oh good. I hope you enjoy it. I will explore making pita. I believe it is steam heat that puffs them up and makes the pocket.

More cooking tax.

I believe it is steam heat that puffs them up and makes the pocket.
A few squirts with a sprayer (of the sort for misting houseplants) into the oven as you put them in works a treat with most breads, and that's almost certainly what I did when I made them (as you can probably tell, it's been a while since I last made pita!).
@Shadrach if a chicken breaks his beak will it grow back given time? Cholo Jr's top beak was injured when he was young but grew cross beaked. He eats good and is healthy, rather friendly considering his dad's personality. Yesterday I noticed that the top beak has broken off near the original injury. My wife feeds wet feed once a day and he has plenty of green grass so I don't think he will starve. Please see
the pictures below.

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