Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I spent yesterday in bed, feeling like I had a brick in my gut, so I'm a bit behind.

I would love it if they did this for animals. Just talking about dogs here, but they spend crap loads of money to create designer breeds that are dumb as a box of rocks and have a host of ills. Please, someone, breed a dog that will live a heathy, 20 year life!

Thank you. :hugs

Oh, I miss Blackstrap molasses! I used to be able to get it here, and added some to my coffee. It tasted like a mix of molasses and licorice. LOVED it!
There are some lovely old breeds that are in danger of disappearing due to people wanting the latest fashion dog. If I were in a position to get one, I would love a Lancashire Heeler. There are some responsible breeders here in the US and the UK that are trying to enlarge the gene pool. They keep the best puppies but adopt out the dogs with less desirable traits after neutering them.

But the best childhood ever! Think about how much life that kids today are missing out on, it is really sad. Most kids do not get much of a childhood these days. :-(

I used to love digging to see what I could find, I had a decent collection of old medicine bottles, in the dark blue and green glass, really thick glass. I was amazed that so many survived.

We were out of the house as soon as the sun was up and rarely back in until forced at dark. We ate fresh veg out of the garden or wild blackberries, raspberries or gooseberries.

We built forts with fallen branches and junk that people dumped in the woods.

I rescued so many injured birds, turtles, frogs, etc..

I never really outgrew it.. When my boys were little, I would go out and make mud pies with them. When we were in Phoenix, we had a hail storm, so we had ice and tons of mud, my ex came home to find me hosing the boys off on the back patio, they were down to their underoos, because we had mudball (mud in our ears, nose, hair, we were He was not best pleased, but too bad. When we went up to Sedona for the Christmas lights, there was snow in the mountains, so we stopped side of the road and made snow angels. They like video games, but prefer, to this day, to be out doing and working with their hands. I still, occasionally, stomp in a puddle to splash my husband..but he is a good sport.
My 40yo son lives with us, is helping with caregiving.

When we do get enough snow we both go outside and make snowmen, well, snow sculpture of some type. One year he created a character from a horror movie ("Scream") and I made a couple of dogs.

Not much snow last year (2"?), and not the right type for sculpture, so this was the best I could do...

I like to stomp in puddles, too
There are some lovely old breeds that are in danger of disappearing due to people wanting the latest fashion dog. If I were in a position to get one, I would love a Lancashire Heeler. There are some responsible breeders here in the US and the UK that are trying to enlarge the gene pool. They keep the best puppies but adopt out the dogs with less desirable traits after neutering them.

View attachment 3699642
I am not a "designer" anything kind of girl, LOL. I love pound puppies and have always adopted from the shelter, except for Ribbies, our little hobo staffie, that adopted us.
My 40yo son lives with us, is helping with caregiving.

When we do get enough snow we both go outside and make snowmen, well, snow sculpture of some type. One year he created a character from a horror movie ("Scream") and I made a couple of dogs.

Not much snow last year (2"?), and not the right type for sculpture, so this was the best I could do...
View attachment 3699653

I like to stomp in puddles, too
That is awesome! I totally miss snow!
I love stroopwafels, Aldi's sells them here, but apparently they're now adding corn/glucose syrup so I can't eat them anymore.
Unfortunately the food industry in the Netherlands is always looking to produce cheaper.
Here you can buy a waffle maker to bake your own stroopwaffles, ice cream cones and thin biscuits. Maybe they sell them in the states too? People who have (kids with) gluten intolerance love them.
Hope you feel better very soon :fl, bummer to get another bug so soon after getting over Covid!
Unfortunately I’m too far away to be of any help with the chickens, hope someone can help out at least temporarily
Sure hope Shad’s getting better in the meanwhile. Im getting a bit worried. Shad didn't post anything since Monday evening.
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