Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Wow! Having read this whole thread (over the course of a few weeks) rather like one reads a book, from cover to cover but sometimes skipping ahead when the tension is too great but then returning so as not to miss details, I have eventually reached the end!
Shed some tears at the sorrows of losing special chickens and some anxieties over the regular posters who have recently gone quiet, hope they're ok.
Received huge amounts of advice from treating chicken ailments through to dealing with difficult pple 😀 an excellent thread, appreciate it a lot.

Ironically I was eating a Chinese fortune cookie at the time of finishing the thread.... this was the msg.... and a few pics of my hens (i have 6)... and current chicks (I have 12, incubated them)
I also have found it useful and enjoyable. :ya
The message is so very true! Your chickens are beautiful!
Thank you, yes the hens are lovely. One of the cream legbars is sick atm.... hopefully she picks up soon. Soft shelled eggs, sitting all hunched up and feeling very down by the looks. I'm treating all the hens with flubenvet feed atm. And given access to more egg boxes in case that's been stressing her out as the lead hen is a big bully here and I think she wants to go broody again 🙄 so she's been picking on everyone lately
Wow! Having read this whole thread (over the course of a few weeks) rather like one reads a book, from cover to cover but sometimes skipping ahead when the tension is too great but then returning so as not to miss details, I have eventually reached the end!
Shed some tears at the sorrows of losing special chickens and some anxieties over the regular posters who have recently gone quiet, hope they're ok.
Received huge amounts of advice from treating chicken ailments through to dealing with difficult pple 😀 an excellent thread, appreciate it a lot.

Ironically I was eating a Chinese fortune cookie at the time of finishing the thread.... this was the msg.... and a few pics of my hens (i have 6)... and current chicks (I have 12, incubated them)
It would be remiss of me not to welcome someone who has read the whole thread.
One is never quite sure what to do, if anything can be, about those who contribute and then don't. While it may be nice to know one is missed one doesn't want to be intrusive. A few post and find the thread isn't for them, others no doubt get bored and want to chat more, some, and I hope it's few, get clobbered by one of those bricks life throws at one.

Flubenvet vet pellets, writing "one" instead of the many over options :p, I guess you're British.
Whereabouts British are you? You can fill this stuff in on your profile page should you want to.
I found out what has been freaking my chickens father (our neighbor) put a decoy owl in the garden we share on the property line. The eyes glow red at night and the girls are VERY upset it exists.
Pretty ladies as tax.
Six hours today. The rain that was forcast got pushed further into the night.
I can stop the morning shift now if it's inconvenient. Just the afternoon today. Now the run is rat free; I'm sure they'll be digging somehwere before long, and the chicks are older, I'm less concerend about leaving food in the coop over night but not quite confident enough to leave food in the run. I leave three of the pottery bowls I expect you've seen in pictures full of feed and another full of water. I'm looking to make/find a suitable coop feed trays I can fix inside the coop.

The two eggs at the bottom of the picture are Mow's I believe and the three above are Fret's. Mow's are slightly smaller and rounder and Fret's eggs have lesss colour. Nothing wrong with the shells on these.

Mens talk with Henry. :love

If the male to female ratio was females three and one male and I had the resources I would split this lot now and make a new tribe.

That's Kefir in the bowl. The only adult that will drink it is Henry. To get some down the hens I have to soak tiny bits of bread in it and put it on the ground.
They seem a lot happier once it's been rolled around in the dirt.


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